在 Android 中,视图可以浮动在任何活动上,只要它们具有 android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW 权限。病毒可以利用这个特性做很多他们想做的事情。那么,有没有办法在我的前台应用程序中检测这些视图?谢谢!


1 回答 1


is there a way to detect these view on my foreground application?

Not really.

By default, on newer versions of Android (4.0+ IIRC), touch events are either consumed by such views or cannot be seen by those views via callback methods. Earlier versions of Android supported such a floating view both finding out about touch events and allowing them to pass along to underlying activities, referred to as a "tapjacking" attack. For API Level 9+, you can use android:filterTouchesWhenObscured to control this behavior.

于 2013-04-25T12:16:30.950 回答