i stuck in a unknown problem, when i executed my insertion query i getting this..
Unknown column 'first_val' in 'field list'insert into test_element set `test_id`='100238', `title`='sdd', `unit`='ds', `first_val`='2', `last_val`='33', `status`='', `create_date`='1366873602'
here u can see the error...and my mysql table is like this
and my html form is:
<select id="test" name="test" disabled="disabled" />{test_element_name_list}</option>
<div style="display: none;" id="d1"></div>
<br />
<tr class="dark_txt2">
<td width="13%">
<span class="Required">*</span>Title:
<td width="87%">
<input id="title" name="title" value="{title}" class="Field400" type="text" style="width:300px" />
<div style="display: none;" id="d1"></div>
<br />
<tr class="dark_txt1">
<td width="13%">
<span class="Required">*</span>Unit:
<td width="87%">
<input id="unit" name="unit" value="{unit}" class="Field400" type="text" style="width:300px" />
<div style="display: none;" id="d1"></div>
<br />
<tr class="dark_txt1">
<td width="13%">
<span class="Required">*</span>First Value:
<td width="87%">
<input id="first_val" name="first_val" value="{first_val}" class="Field400" type="text" style="width:300px" />
<div style="display: none;" id="d1"></div>
<br />
<tr class="dark_txt1">
<td width="13%">
<span class="Required">*</span>Last Value:
<td width="87%">
<input id="last_val" name="last_val" value="{last_val}" class="Field400" type="text" style="width:300px" />
<div style="display: none;" id="d1"></div>
<br />
and i inserting my post with the help of function, but i am puzzled why my data is not going in mysql table here is code:
$SQL="insert into test_element set
a spend lots of hour for sort out this, any help would be highly appreciated...thanx in advance