I have an array of files (some have spaces). I use genisoimage to create an iso file from these files, but the spaces mess it up.

Here's an example:

#This is my array of files.  Note: "2 a" is a filename with a space in it.
files=(1 "2 a" 3)

#Here I try to create an iso file with the files in the array..fail
echo "${files[@]}"|xargs genisoimage -o "test.iso"

I get this output:

genisoimage: No such file or directory. Invalid node - '2'.

If I just look at the output of echo "${files[@]}, I see that the output of files is not properly quoting the filenames (thus 2 a becomes 2)

Is there a way to output an array of files that will be properly escaped for use by xargs? I'd prefer a way to just output the element separator as a null character so I can use the -0 option in xargs.


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