What are the common monitors to include in a sitescope set-up when running loadtests with LoadRunner. I have asked for CPU, Memory and Disk I/O for my Linux instances running JBoss in a cloud based environment. Is it possible to add monitors for i.e. database connection pooling, to monitor number of connections to the database during loadtesting? What about monitoring other metrics? Anyone having set up sitescope for the purpose of monitoring during loadtesting with LoadRunner+ And if yes what did you decide to monitor?


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监视器显然与您的应用程序逻辑和物理架构相关。操作系统级别的项目可能在所有主机上都是通用的,但是当您到达应用服务器层时,例如 Java 应用服务器或数据库,您可能会为您的 JVM 或 V$ tabkle 集拉深度诊断值(对于 ORACLE)或来自 MSFT/SYBASE SQL Server 的系统表信息。

我从哲学上这样看待它。您拥有的资源在每台主机和每项服务中都是有限的。监控这些有限资源的使用。接下来,您有健康水平统计数据,这些数据位于基本有限资源集之上。在每项服务中收集前 10 名。当您需要在特定区域进行检查时,保留深度探测指标。

所以,是的,您可以监控到数据库的连接池。根据您想要的路径,您可以从房屋的 JMX 一侧查看它,也可以从房屋的数据库一侧查看它。

于 2013-04-24T22:42:50.247 回答