drop table aaa;
create table aaa(a varchar2(10), b varchar2(10));
insert into aaa values ('Rome','Berlin');
insert into aaa values ('London','Rome');
insert into aaa values ('London','New-York');
insert into aaa values ('New-York','Dallas');
变体 1:
select sys_connect_by_path(DECODE(a, PRIOR a, b, a),'=>') PATH1
from aaa
start with a = 'Berlin' or b = 'Berlin'
connect by nocycle Prior a = b or prior b = a
变体 2:
select sys_connect_by_path(DECODE(a, PRIOR a, b, a),'=>') PATH1
from aaa
start with a = 'Berlin' or b = 'Berlin'
connect by Prior a = b or prior b = a
返回:ERROR ORA-01436 CONNECT BY 用户数据循环