我有一个运行速度非常慢的子查询,但我不知道如何将其编写为连接以加快速度。子查询位于 WHERE 子句中的 AND OR 部分下方。
select 'Fall ' || (x.syrsdhe_year - 1) "Term",
count(x.syrsdhe_ssn_id) "Cohort",
(sum((select '1' from dual where r1.syrsdhe_year = (x.syrsdhe_year))) / count(x.syrsdhe_ssn_id))*100 "Fall_to_Spring",
(sum((select '1' from dual where r2.syrsdhe_year = (x.syrsdhe_year + 1))) / count(x.syrsdhe_ssn_id))*100 "One_Year",
(sum((select '1' from dual where r3.syrsdhe_year = (x.syrsdhe_year + 2))) / count(x.syrsdhe_ssn_id))*100 "Two_Year"
from irdeptq.syrsdhe x
left join irdeptq.syrsdhe r1
on r1.syrsdhe_ssn_id = x.syrsdhe_ssn_id
and r1.syrsdhe_term = '2'
and r1.syrsdhe_student_level in ('01','02','03','04')
and r1.syrsdhe_year = (x.syrsdhe_year)
left join irdeptq.syrsdhe r2
on r2.syrsdhe_ssn_id = x.syrsdhe_ssn_id
and r2.syrsdhe_term = '1'
and r2.syrsdhe_student_level in ('01','02','03','04')
and r2.syrsdhe_year = (x.syrsdhe_year + 1)
left join irdeptq.syrsdhe r3
on r3.syrsdhe_ssn_id = x.syrsdhe_ssn_id
and r3.syrsdhe_term = '1'
and r3.syrsdhe_student_level in ('01','02','03','04')
and r3.syrsdhe_year = (x.syrsdhe_year + 2)
where x.syrsdhe_enroll_status = '01'
and x.syrsdhe_attend_status = '0'
and x.syrsdhe_degree_intent != '3'
and x.syrsdhe_term = '1'
and x.syrsdhe_year >= '2006'
and x.syrsdhe_housing is not null
and ((x.syrsdhe_year = '2006' and x.syrsdhe_pidm not in (select sgrchrt_pidm from sgrchrt where sgrchrt_term_code_eff = x.syrsdhe_banner_term and sgrchrt_chrt_code in ('HRC','SRC')))
or (x.syrsdhe_year = '2007' and x.syrsdhe_pidm not in (select sgrchrt_pidm from sgrchrt where sgrchrt_term_code_eff = x.syrsdhe_banner_term and sgrchrt_chrt_code in ('HRC','SRC','SDRC')))
or (x.syrsdhe_year = '2008' and x.syrsdhe_pidm not in (select sgrchrt_pidm from sgrchrt where sgrchrt_term_code_eff = x.syrsdhe_banner_term and sgrchrt_chrt_code in ('HRC','SRC','SDRC')))
or (x.syrsdhe_year = '2009' and x.syrsdhe_pidm not in (select sgrchrt_pidm from sgrchrt where sgrchrt_term_code_eff = x.syrsdhe_banner_term and sgrchrt_chrt_code in ('HRC','SRC','SDRC')))
or (x.syrsdhe_year = '2010' and x.syrsdhe_pidm not in (select sgrchrt_pidm from sgrchrt where sgrchrt_term_code_eff = x.syrsdhe_banner_term and sgrchrt_chrt_code in ('HRC','SRC','SDRC')))
or (x.syrsdhe_year = '2011' and x.syrsdhe_pidm not in (select sgrchrt_pidm from sgrchrt where sgrchrt_term_code_eff = x.syrsdhe_banner_term and sgrchrt_chrt_code in ('HRC','SRC','SDRC','STEM')))
or (x.syrsdhe_year = '2012' and x.syrsdhe_pidm not in (select sgrchrt_pidm from sgrchrt where sgrchrt_term_code_eff = x.syrsdhe_banner_term and sgrchrt_chrt_code in ('HRC','SDRC','STEM','EDGE')))
or (x.syrsdhe_year = '2013' and x.syrsdhe_pidm not in (select sgrchrt_pidm from sgrchrt where sgrchrt_term_code_eff = x.syrsdhe_banner_term and sgrchrt_chrt_code in ('HRC','STEM','EDGE','STARS')))
**and x.syrsdhe_pidm not in (select rpratrm_pidm
from rpratrm where x.syrsdhe_banner_term = rpratrm_term_code
and x.syrsdhe_pidm = rpratrm_pidm
and rpratrm_paid_amt >0
and rpratrm_fund_code in ('HCSCH','HCFADJ','HCFULL','HCPRRM','HCBSCH','HCSUPP'))**
Group By 'Fall ' || (X.Syrsdhe_Year - 1)
order By 'Fall ' || (X.Syrsdhe_Year - 1)
我已经单独测试了子查询,它快速拉动了必要的 PIDMS 照明,但是一旦我将它写为子查询,它就会减慢整个查询的速度。我过去曾多次遇到过这个问题,所以如果有人知道它背后的逻辑,那将会很有帮助。