This is the end result that I am trying to achieve:
Tally of quantity sold for each product for each state for a specific date (this month for example)
District State A District State B
Product A 356 934
Product B 343 232
I have the following points that need to be made clear:
- My system is up and running so to change schema around would be difficult until the next update.
- I have districts known as 'States', such as kansas or texas for example.
- I have a table of Products known as 'Products' with no price associated with them
- I have a table consisting of State Product Prices with a link to the 'States' and 'Product' table, with the addition of a 'price column'. So each state have their own prices for the list of products.
- I have customers known as 'Agents' each connected to a specific state so that during the order process (in my application) each agent is charged the correct product price obtained from the state product price table.
- I have an Order table consisting of orders made by Agents with the date that the order was placed recorded as well in the same orders table. This table does not contain the list of products bought. Thats what the next table is there for (orderLines table)
- I have an Orderlines table which stores all the products bought with their quantity sold connected to one order from the orders table. so there can be many orderlines per order.
This being said The following tables look like this:
States table
Products table
State product prices table
State_Id - referenced to states table
Product_Id - linked to products table
Agents table
State_Id - linked to states table
Orders Table
Order_DatePurchased - in the end this date is what will be used to calculate the total quantity of products sold within a certain date
Order Lines table:
Order_Id - linked to the orders table
Agent_Id - linked to the agents table
Product_Id - linked to the products table not products state table
OrderLine_ProductNameATOP - at time of purchase
OrderLine_QuantitySoldATOP - at time of purchase
It is the order lines table that will be used to grab the quantity of that specific product sold referenced by the product id which will be used in the report.
I need a query to be able to product the report shown above.
What can i do to get this report?! I hope someone can help. I dont expect someone to do it for me, just an explanation would be great