我有一个ListBox显示动态数量的TextBoxes。用户将在这些框中输入文本。单击提交按钮时,我需要能够访问用户输入的文本,应该是 at ListBox.Items,如下所示:

    //Called on Submit button click
    private void SaveAndSubmit(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
        var bounds = MyListBox.Items;


    //Field declaration
    //Bounds is containing a group of strings that represent the boundaries
    //for a contour plot. The min/max values are stored at the front and back
    //of the group. However, there can be any number of dividers in between.
    public ObservableCollection<string> Bounds { get; set; }

    //Initialize Bounds in the constructor

    //Called when the selected item for DVList (an unrelated ListBox) is changed
    private void DVSelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
        var selectedDV = DVList.SelectedItem as DVWrapper;
        if (selectedDV != null)
            //Setting min/max
            Bounds[0] = selectedDV.MinValue;
            Bounds[Bounds.Count - 1] = selectedDV.MaxValue;

            MyListBox.ItemsSource = Bounds;

我的 XAML 看起来像这样:

    <Style x:Key="BoundsStyle" TargetType="{x:Type ListBoxItem}">
        <Setter Property="ContentTemplate">
        <Setter Property="Focusable" Value="False"/>


                <ListBox Name="MyListBox"
                         ItemContainerStyle="{StaticResource BoundsStyle}"/>

因此,当SaveAndSubmit被调用时,bounds最终将成为我最初将其设置为 in 的内容DVSelectionChanged。换句话说,列表框不会根据用户输入到列表框中包含的文本框中的内容进行更新。如何获得更新ListBoxItem的 s?我认为我的问题与类似,但目前对我不起作用。

当我在调试器中单步执行时,我可以获得单独ListBoxItem的 s. 但是,他们的内容是空的。我现在正在调查。


1 回答 1



<TextBox/>需要更改为<TextBox Content="{Binding}"/>

但是遵循 MVVM 否则很难找到这些错误。

于 2013-04-24T17:27:32.083 回答