我在 a 中有九个 Aviso 元素,NSMutableArray
Aviso 实体与 Aviso 相关NSManagedObject
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <CoreData/CoreData.h>
@interface Aviso : NSManagedObject{
NSDate * date;
NSString * text;
NSString * idwarning;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSDate * date;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * text;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * idwarning;
for(Aviso * a in warnings)
[self saveObjectcdata:a];
[self loadxcdata];
saveObjectcdata 是:
-(void) saveObjectcdata:(Aviso * )aux
NSManagedObject *object = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@"Aviso" inManagedObjectContext:self.managedObjectContext];
[object setValue:aux.idwarning forKey:@"idwarning"];
[object setValue:aux.date forKey:@"date"];
[object setValue:aux.text forKey:@"text"];
[managedObjectContext insertObject:object];
// Commit the change.
NSError *error = nil;
if (![managedObjectContext save:&error]) {
// Handle the error.
NSLog(@"Object saved: %@ in %@ and id: %@",aux.text,aux.date,aux.idwarning);
- (void) loadxcdata
[xcdataarray removeAllObjects];
if (managedObjectContext == nil) // generar el contexto del CoreData
managedObjectContext = [(EmergencyAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] managedObjectContext];
NSFetchRequest *request = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init];
NSEntityDescription *entity = [NSEntityDescription entityForName:@"Aviso" inManagedObjectContext:managedObjectContext];
[request setEntity:entity];
// Execute the fetch -- create a mutable copy of the result.
NSError *error = nil;
NSMutableArray *mutableFetchResults = [[managedObjectContext executeFetchRequest:request error:&error] mutableCopy];
if (mutableFetchResults == nil) {
// Handle the error.
NSLog(@"Error al recuperar:%@",error);
// Set self's events array to the mutable array, then clean up.
[self setXcdataarray:mutableFetchResults];
for(Aviso * war in xcdataarray)
NSLog(@"Core data object: %@ in %@ and id: %@",war.text,war.date,war.idwarning);
2013-04-24 17:50:05.716 Emergencies[4286:907] CoreData: error: Failed to call designated initializer on NSManagedObject class 'Aviso'
2013-04-24 17:50:05.844 Emergencies[4286:907] Object saved: sexto y ultimo in 2013-04-19 12:21:43 +0000 and id: 9
2013-04-24 17:50:05.905 Emergencies[4286:907] Object saved: fifth later in 2013-04-18 11:17:50 +0000 and id: 8
2013-04-24 17:50:05.961 Emergencies[4286:907] Object saved: fifth in 2013-04-18 11:17:44 +0000 and id: 7
2013-04-24 17:50:06.014 Emergencies[4286:907] Object saved: forth later in 2013-04-18 11:11:57 +0000 and id: 6
2013-04-24 17:50:06.071 Emergencies[4286:907] Object saved: cuarto in 2013-04-18 11:11:36 +0000 and id: 5
2013-04-24 17:50:06.128 Emergencies[4286:907] Object saved: tercero in 2013-04-18 10:25:01 +0000 and id: 3
2013-04-24 17:50:06.183 Emergencies[4286:907] Object saved: in 2013-04-18 10:57:27 +0000 and id: 4
2013-04-24 17:50:06.237 Emergencies[4286:907] Object saved: rt in 2013-04-18 10:20:20 +0000 and id: 2
2013-04-24 17:50:06.296 Emergencies[4286:907] Object saved: This is the first example in 2013-04-17 08:43:45 +0000 and id: 1
2013-04-24 17:50:06.304 Emergencies[4286:907] Core data object: (null) in (null) and id: (null)
2013-04-24 17:50:06.306 Emergencies[4286:907] Core data object: (null) in (null) and id: (null)
2013-04-24 17:50:06.308 Emergencies[4286:907] Core data object: (null) in (null) and id: (null)
2013-04-24 17:50:06.310 Emergencies[4286:907] Core data object: (null) in (null) and id: (null)
2013-04-24 17:50:06.312 Emergencies[4286:907] Core data object: (null) in (null) and id: (null)
2013-04-24 17:50:06.314 Emergencies[4286:907] Core data object: (null) in (null) and id: (null)
2013-04-24 17:50:06.317 Emergencies[4286:907] Core data object: (null) in (null) and id: (null)
2013-04-24 17:50:06.319 Emergencies[4286:907] Core data object: (null) in (null) and id: (null)
2013-04-24 17:50:06.321 Emergencies[4286:907] Core data object: This is the first example in 2013-04-17 08:43:45 +0000 and id: 1
(选择实体,然后选择编辑器 - 创建新NSManagedObject
-(void) saveObjectcdata:(NSString *)warningId date:(NSDate*)date text:(NSString*)txt
Aviso *object = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@"Aviso" inManagedObjectContext:self.managedObjectContext];
object.idwarning = warningId;
object.date = date;
object.text = txt;
// Commit the change.
NSError *error = nil;
if (![managedObjectContext save:&error]) {
// Handle the error.
NSLog(@"Object saved: %@ in %@ and id: %@",object.text,object.date,object.idwarning);