I was recently asked a question what will happen if I would query one handler twice. Let me just show you code:

 public delegate void OpenEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e);

 public class MyWindow
     public event OpenEventHandler Open;

     public void OpenWindow()
         if (Open != null)
             Open(this, new EventArgs());

 public class TwoDelegates
     public static void HandleOpen(Object sender, EventArgs e)
         Console.WriteLine("Birds fly");
         (sender as MyWindow).Open -= HandleOpen;

     public static void Run()
         var window = new MyWindow();
         window.Open += HandleOpen;
         window.Open += HandleOpen;


I wonder why string is still printed twice. On the beginning of it Invocation list consist of two items with same delegate reference, but after a first run it is cleaned up, still the secon invocaiton appears.


Seems that even simple -= removes only one entry:

 var window = new MyWindow();

 window.Open += HandleOpen;
 window.Open += HandleOpen;

 window.Open -= HandleOpen;

Though debug mode in VS2010, while you look through window.Open internal properties shows empty invocation list with 0 count. Seems that it's some magic in debug info displayed in VS.


2 回答 2



于 2013-04-24T15:43:08.237 回答

为了扩展 Servy 所说的内容,这里有一个稍微修改过的代码版本,并带有一些调试助手来澄清发生了什么。在 HandleOpen 函数中,我们检查从事件中删除 HandleOpen 前后的事件处理程序。总结是:在您的多播中有两个 HandleOpen 副本,单个 Open-=HandleOpen 没有理由同时删除它们。

public class MyWindow
    public event OpenEventHandler Open;

    public void OpenWindow()
        if (Open != null)
            Open(this, new EventArgs());

    public Delegate[] getHandlers()
        return Open.GetInvocationList();

public class TwoDelegates
    public static void HandleOpen(Object sender, EventArgs e)
        Console.WriteLine("Birds fly");
        var thisWin = sender as MyWindow;
        var before = thisWin.getHandlers();

        (sender as MyWindow).Open -= HandleOpen;
        var after = thisWin.getHandlers();


    public static void Run()
        var window = new MyWindow();
        window.Open += HandleOpen;
        window.Open += HandleOpen;

于 2013-04-24T16:06:41.653 回答