我已经在 vba 中开发了一些代码来检测不同类型的形状、创建和压缩文件等等​​......问题是现在我必须在 Visual Studio 2012 中创建一个功能区项目并制作一个按钮我在 vba 中所做的事情。我创建了功能区,向其添加了一个按钮并将我必须的代码添加到该按钮,但它有很多错误,例如在我拥有 ActivePresentation 的所有行中。有什么方法可以在 VS 中使用我在 VBA 中使用的不同对象?否则有人知道我可以用什么代替吗?


   Dim sNum As Integer
Dim stri As String
Dim i, j As Integer
Dim right As Boolean
Dim value As MsoShapeType
Dim it As String
right = True
k = 0
j = 0
it = "Cannot convert the file due to the following problems:" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine

For Each sld In ActivePresentation.Slides

    For i = 1 To sld.Shapes.count

            'Type 1
            If sld.Shapes(i).Type = msoAutoShape Then
                it = it & "AutoShape" & vbNewLine

                right = False
            End If

            'Type 2
            If sld.Shapes(i).Type = msoCallout Then
                it = it & "Callout." & vbNewLine

                right = False
            End If

            'Type 3
            If sld.Shapes(i).Type = msoChart Then
                it = it + "Chart." & vbNewLine

                right = False
            End If

            'Type 4
            If sld.Shapes(i).Type = msoComment Then
                'it = it + "a Comment. Type : " & .Type
            End If

            'Type 5
            If sld.Shapes(i).Type = msoFreeform Then
                it = it + "Freeform." & vbNewLine

                right = False
            End If

            'Type 6
            If sld.Shapes(i).Type = msoGroup Then
                it = it + "Group." & vbNewLine

            ' If it's a group them iterate thru
            ' the items and list them

                it = it & vbCrLf & "Comprised of..."
                'For Ctr = 1 To .GroupItems.Count
                '    it = it & vbCrLf & _
                 '       .GroupItems(Ctr).Name & _
                '        ". Type:" & .GroupItems(Ctr).Type & vbNewLine
                'Next Ctr

                right = False
            End If

            'Type 7
            If sld.Shapes(i).Type = msoEmbeddedOLEObject Then
                it = it + "Embedded OLE Object" & vbNewLine

                right = False
            End If

            'Type 8
            If sld.Shapes(i).Type = msoFormControl Then
                it = it + "Form Control" & vbNewLine

                right = False
            End If

            'Type 9
            If sld.Shapes(i).Type = msoLine Then
                'it = it + "a Line. Type : " & .Type
            End If

            'Type 10
            If sld.Shapes(i).Type = msoLinkedOLEObject Then
                'it = it + "a Linked OLE Object. Type : " & .Type
                'With .LinkFormat
                '    it = it & vbCrLf & "My Source: " & _
                '        .SourceFullName
                'End With
            End If

            'Type 11
            If sld.Shapes(i).Type = msoLinkedPicture Then
                it = it + "Linked Picture" & vbNewLine
                'With .LinkFormat
                '    it = it + it & vbCrLf & "My Source: " & _
                '        .SourceFullName
                'End With

                right = False
            End If

            'Type 12
            If sld.Shapes(i).Type = msoOLEControlObject Then
                it = it & "OLE Control Object" & vbNewLine

                'right = False
            End If

            'Type 13
            If sld.Shapes(i).Type = msoPicture Then
                it = it & "Embedded picture" & vbNewLine

                right = False
            End If

            'Type 14
            If sld.Shapes(i).Type = msoPlaceholder Then
                'it = it & "text placeholder (title or regular text--" & _
                 '    "not a standard textbox) object." & _
                 '    "Type : " & .Type

                  '   right = False
            End If

            'Type 15
            If sld.Shapes(i).Type = msoTextEffect Then
                'it = it + "WordArt (Text Effect). Type : " & .Type
            End If

            'Type 16
            If sld.Shapes(i).Type = msoMedia Then
                it = it & "Media object .. sound, etc" & vbNewLine
                'With .LinkFormat
                  '  it = it & vbCrLf & " My Source: " & _
                  '  .SourceFullName
                'End With

                right = False
            End If

            'Type 17
            If sld.Shapes(i).Type = msoTextBox Then
                'it = "a Text Box."
            End If

            'Type 18 = msoScriptAnchor, not defined in PPT pre-2000 so we use the numeric value
            'Case msoScriptAnchor
            If sld.Shapes(i).Type = 18 Then
                it = it & "ScriptAnchor" & vbNewLine

                right = False
            End If

            'Type 19 = msoTable, not defined in PPT pre-2000 so we use the numeric value
            'Case msoTable
            If sld.Shapes(i).Type = 19 Then
                'it = " a Table. Type : " & .Type
            End If

            'Type 19 = msoCanvas, not defined in PPT pre-2000 so we use the numeric value
            'Case msoCanvas
            If sld.Shapes(i).Type = 20 Then
                it = it + "Canvas" & vbNewLine

                right = False
            End If

            'Type 21 = msoDiagram, not defined in PPT pre-2000 so we use the numeric value
            'Case msoDiagram
            If sld.Shapes(i).Type = 21 Then
                it = it + "Diagram" & vbNewLine

                right = False
            End If

            'Type 22 = msoInk, not defined in PPT pre-2000 so we use the numeric value
            'Case msoInk
            If sld.Shapes(i).Type = 22 Then
                it = it + "Ink shape" & vbNewLine

                right = False
            End If

            'Type 23 = msoInkComment, not defined in PPT pre-2000 so we use the numeric value
            'Case msoInkComment
            If sld.Shapes(i).Type = 23 Then
                it = it + "InkComment" & vbNewLine

                right = False
            End If

            'Type -2
            If sld.Shapes(i).Type = msoShapeTypeMixed Then
                it = "Mixed object (whatever that might be)" & nvNewLine

                right = False
            End If

    Next i

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