我在 2d VBA 动态数组中生成了一个大的双精度矩阵。当我尝试将 Array 分配给 Excel Range 对象时,我收到以下错误:
Runtime Error '1004':
Application-defined or Object-defined Error
除非,也就是说,我在分配之前调用 Worksheet.Activate。(数组的大小约为 88 x 1150)这是代码片段:
Dim lIndxRow As Long, lIndxRowBase As Long, lIndxRowLast As Long, lIndxCol As Long, lIndxColBase As Long, lIndxColLast As Long
lIndxRow = [Close_FirstRow]
lIndxRowBase = [Close_FirstRow]
lIndxRowLast = [Close_LastRow]
lIndxColBase = [Close_FirstCol]
lIndxColLast = [Close_LastCol]
Dim Mat() As Double
ReDim Mat(lIndxRowBase To lIndxRowLast, lIndxColBase To lIndxColLast + 1)
While lIndxRow <= lIndxRowLast
nSharesTotal = 0#
While lIndxCol <= lIndxColLast
Dim nShares As Double
' Calculate value for nShares
Mat(lIndxRow, lIndxCol) = nShares
nSharesTotal = nSharesTotal + nShares
lIndxCol = lIndxCol + 1
Mat(lIndxRow, lIndxCol) = nSharesTotal
lIndxRowPrev = lIndxRow
lIndxRow = lIndxRow + 1
' no error when next line uncommented
'Worksheets("Share Pos").Activate
Worksheets("Share Pos").Range(Cells(lIndxRowBase, lIndxColBase), Cells(lIndxRowLast, lIndxColLast + 1)).Value2 = Mat