I often insert text before or after a visual block using the "I" (insert before visual block) or "A" command (insert after visual block).
After typing the text and pushing the <ESC> key the text is inserted before or after every line in the block.

But what if I want to insert a piece of copied text?
This doesn't work: After pasting the text, the ESC key doesn't work anymore and the copied text is only inserted in 1 line.

How can I insert a copied text on every line before or after a block?


1 回答 1


I使用/进行选择并像以前一样进入插入模式A。然后,不要键入,而是使用插入模式粘贴您的寄存器<C-R>"。("表示默认寄存器;您也可以使用其他寄存器 (例如a)。) 与<Esc>之前一样结束。

有关:help i_CTRL-R更多信息,请参阅。

于 2013-04-24T14:27:29.723 回答