2 回答 2


Use server side session for this , anchor tag link to index_fanme_Asc url .

public function index_fname_Asc()
   // i didn't test .. you can change into ci session 
   if ( isset($_SESSION['hasClicked']) && $_SESSION['hasClicked'] ){

        return ;

   $_SESSION['hasClicked'] = true;


public function index_fname_Dsc()
     $_SESSION['hasClicked'] = false;


hope this will works

于 2013-04-24T12:38:17.437 回答

You could easily switch between these href's by using data from the controller. For example:

public function index_fname_Asc()
  $data['sort'] = 'ASC';  


public function index_fname_Dsc()
  $data['sort'] = 'DESC';  

Then in the view:

if($sort == "ASC"){
 echo "<td <a href=" . site_url("// My method's Url") .">First Name</a></td>"

 //Other href

Hope this helps!

于 2013-04-24T12:33:20.937 回答