示例:“天空是蓝色的。” 查找单词:“sky” 替换它的单词:“ocean” 新字符串:“海洋是蓝色的。”
INCLUDE io.h ; header file for input/output
.STACK 4096
prompt1 BYTE "String to Search: ", 0
prompt2 BYTE "Word to Search For: ", 0
prompt3 BYTE "Word to replace with: ", 0
target BYTE 80 DUP (?)
key BYTE 80 DUP (?)
strSub BYTE 80 DUP (?)
trgtLength DWORD ?
keyLength DWORD ?
lastPosn DWORD ?
strSubLen DWORD ?
resultLbl BYTE "The new sentence is: ", 0
_MainProc PROC
input prompt1, target, 80 ;input target string
lea eax, target ;address of target
push eax ;parameter
call strlen ;strlen(target)
add esp, 4 ;remove parameter
mov trgtLength, eax ;save length of target
input prompt2, key, 80 ;input key string
lea eax, key ;address of key
push eax ;parameter
call strlen ;strlen(key)
add esp, 4 ;remove parameter
mov keyLength, eax ;save length of key
input prompt3, strSub, 80 ;input word to search for
lea eax, strSub ;address of key
push eax ;parameter
call strlen ;strlen(strSub)
add esp, 4 ;remove parameter
mov strSubLen, eax ;save length of key
mov eax, trgtLength
sub eax, keyLength
inc eax ;trgtLength - keyLength +1
mov lastPosn, eax
cld ;Left to Right comparison
mov eax, 1 ;starting position
cmp eax, lastPosn ;position <= last_posn?
jnle endWhilePosn ;exit if past last position
lea esi, target ;address of target string
add esi, eax ;add position
dec esi ;address of position to check
lea edi, key ;address of key
mov ecx, keyLength ;number of position to check
repe cmpsb ;check
jz found ;exit of success
inc eax ;increment position
jmp whilePosn ;repeat
output resultLbl, [esi] ;display new sentence
jmp quit
sub edi, keyLength
mov ecx, strSubLen
lea esi, strSub
rep movsb
inc eax
jmp whilePosn
mov eax, 0 ; exit with return code 0
_MainProc ENDP
strlen PROC
push ebp ;establish stack frame
mov ebp, esp
push ebx ;save EBX
sub eax, eax ;length := 0
mov ebx, [ebp+8] ;address of string
cmp BYTE PTR [ebx], 0 ;null byte?
je endWhileChar ;exit if so
inc eax ;increment length
inc ebx ;point at next character
jmp whileChar ;repeat
pop ebx ;restore registers
pop ebp
strlen ENDP
该代码可以找到我想要切换的单词,但实际上切换单词是在欺骗我。这本书说目标字符串应该在 EDI 中,要替换的单词应该在 ESI 中,但是他们作为示例给出的代码在 ESI 中具有目标字符串,在 EDI 中替换单词(就像我在这里一样)。
这本书在解释“rep”和“movs”指令方面也做得非常糟糕,所以我有 90% 的把握我的“找到”代码块将是问题所在。任何帮助深表感谢。