我正在尝试用 NASM 进行汇编代码,非常沮丧……基本上我所坚持的是将输入的数字更改为用 $ 符号绘制的更大数字。所以程序所做的就是读取一个介于 1 和 9 之间的数字并将其转换为数值并显示一个大的 $ 数字。我为每一行的每个数字定义了一个位模式,以显示用于绘制数字的 $ 符号模式。所有数字的大小都是 7 行,现在我需要逐步浏览位模式,这就是我卡住的地方。到目前为止,这是我的程序。
bits 16
org 0x100
jmp main ;Jump to main program
message: db 'Please enter a number(1-9)',0ah,0dh,'$'
enl_num1: db 06h,06h,06h,06h,06h,06h,06h ; enlarged 1
enl_num2: db 04h,0Ah,11h,02h,04h,08h,1Fh ; enlarged 2
enl_num3: db 0Eh,11h,06h,18h,06h,01h,1Eh ; enlarged 3
enl_num4: db 01h,02h,04h,0Ah,1Fh,02h,02h ; enlarged 4
enl_num5: db 1Fh,10h,1Ch,02h,01h,02h,1Ch ; enlarged 4
enl_num6: db 01h,02h,04h,08h,14h,14h,08h ; enlarged 5
enl_num7: db 1Fh,01h,02h,04h,08h,10h,10h ; enlarged 7
enl_num8: db 04h,0Ah,0Ah,04h,0Ah,0Ah,04h ; enlarged 8
enl_num9: db 0Eh,11h,11h,0Fh,01h,01h,1Fh ; enlarged 9
error_mess: db '**','$'
output_0: db ' '
output_d: db '$'
xor bh,bh ;bh = 0
cmp al,39h ;ASCII for 9
jg str_to_num_error ; > 9 is invalid
sub bl,30h ;convert to numeric
jl str_to_num_error ; < 0 also invalid
mov bh,1h ;succesful completion
ret ;return
mov dx,error_mess ;adding ** to number that is not 1-9
mov ah,09 ;to display string
int 21h ;DOS interrupt
jmp message
ret ;return
mov cx,8 ; cx=8 loop counter
mov al,[si] ;move one byte into al
push ax ;push onto stack
inc si ;point to next byte
cmp dh,0 ;test for 0
jne not_0
je is_0
loop print_num ;decrement cx, repeat loop if cx <>0
db ' ',0ah,0dh,'$'
mov ah,09 ;to display string
int 21h ;DOS interrupt
not_0: mov dx,output_d ;address of output
mov ah,09 ;service - display message
int 21h ;DOS system call
is_0 mov dx,output_0 ;address of output
mov ah,09 ;service - display message
int 21h ;DOS system call
main: mov al,00 ;clear the screen
mov ah,06
mov bh,17h ;white on blue
mov dh,05 ;set row to 5
mov dl,10 ;set column to 10
int 10h ;screen handling
mov dx,message
mov ah,09 ;to display string
int 21h ;DOS interrupt to display string
mov ah,07 ;single char keyboard input
int 21h ;DOS interrupt
call str_to_num ;convert str to num
cmp bh,1h ;test if bh contains 1
call error ;print error
cmp bh,0h ;test if bh contains 0
mov si,bl ;si contains address of number string
line_loop: mov cx,7 ;once for each line
jmp print_num ;print the number
loop line_loop ;decrement cx, repeat if cx<>0
int 20h