我使用 msdn 示例来创建管道服务器和管道客户端:
但是在管道客户端和管道服务器中,我不是只有一个 writeFile 和 readFile 函数,而是以这种方式使用了它们三次:
typedef struct
int fileNameLen;
int commandArgLen;
pipeData dataToWrite;
pipeData *pdataToWrite = &dataToWrite;
LPTSTR s1 = TEXT("file1");
LPTSTR s2 = TEXT("startCmd");
dataToWrite.commandArgLen = sizeof(s1);
dataToWrite.fileNameLen = sizeof(s2);
fSuccess = WriteFile(
hPipe, // pipe handle
pdataToWrite, // message
sizeof(dataToWrite), // message length
&cbWritten, // bytes written
NULL); // not overlapped
if ( ! fSuccess)
_tprintf( TEXT("WriteFile to pipe failed. GLE=%d\n"), GetLastError() );
return -1;
fSuccess = WriteFile(
hPipe, // pipe handle
s1, // message
sizeof(s1), // message length
&cbWritten, // bytes written
NULL); // not overlapped
if ( ! fSuccess)
_tprintf( TEXT("WriteFile to pipe failed. GLE=%d\n"), GetLastError() );
return -1;
fSuccess = WriteFile(
hPipe, // pipe handle
s2, // message
sizeof(s2), // message length
&cbWritten, // bytes written
NULL); // not overlapped
if ( ! fSuccess)
_tprintf( TEXT("WriteFile to pipe failed. GLE=%d\n"), GetLastError() );
return -1;
在管道服务器中读取管道我使用 3 readFile 像这样:
fSuccess = ReadFile(
hPipe, // handle to pipe
pdataToWrite, // buffer to receive data
sizeof(pdataToWrite), // size of buffer
&cbBytesRead, // number of bytes read
NULL); // not overlapped I/O
if (!fSuccess || cbBytesRead == 0)
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE)
_tprintf(TEXT("InstanceThread: client disconnected.\n"), GetLastError());
_tprintf(TEXT("InstanceThread ReadFile failed, GLE=%d.\n"), GetLastError());
// Process the incoming message.
GetAnswerToRequest(TEXT("structure recieved"), pchReply, &cbReplyBytes);
fSuccess = ReadFile(
hPipe, // handle to pipe
s1, // buffer to receive data
dataToWrite.commandArgLen, // size of buffer
&cbBytesRead, // number of bytes read
NULL); // not overlapped I/O
if (!fSuccess || cbBytesRead == 0)
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE)
_tprintf(TEXT("InstanceThread: client disconnected.\n"), GetLastError());
_tprintf(TEXT("InstanceThread ReadFile failed, GLE=%d.\n"), GetLastError());
GetAnswerToRequest(s1, pchReply, &cbReplyBytes);
fSuccess = ReadFile(
hPipe, // handle to pipe
s2, // buffer to receive data
dataToWrite.fileNameLen, // size of buffer
&cbBytesRead, // number of bytes read
NULL); // not overlapped I/O
if (!fSuccess || cbBytesRead == 0)
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE)
_tprintf(TEXT("InstanceThread: client disconnected.\n"), GetLastError());
_tprintf(TEXT("InstanceThread ReadFile failed, GLE=%d.\n"), GetLastError());
GetAnswerToRequest(s2, pchReply, &cbReplyBytes);
这种方式不能正常工作。当管道服务器在第一个 readFile 中读取数据时,它可能会返回此错误:ERROR_MORE_DATA(如果我在 createNamedPipe 中使用了 PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE)
我不知道如何在管道客户端和服务器中使用多个 writeFile 和 readFile。