我在 Tumblr 上设置了一个自定义域。它工作正常。xxxxxx.tumblr.com 重定向到 xxxxxx.com。但我真的很希望 xxxxxx.com 重定向到 xxxxxx.com/tagged/xxxxxxx
langleav.tumblr.com --> langleav.com --> langleav.com/tagged/popular
我有一个来自 Name 的域。
- 通常我会修改 htaccess 文件。但我不能在这种情况下使用它。
The redirect in your example is done client-side with JavaScript.
When you deactivate JS and visit langleav.tumblr.com
, you get a server-side redirect to langleav.com
When you activate JS and visit langleav.tumblr.com
, you get a server-side redirect to langleav.com
and then a client-side redirect to langleav.com/tagged/popular
There are various ways to redirect client-side. See for example this question: How can I make a redirect page in jQuery/JavaScript?