I'm developing and executing some tests with Jbehave and Selenium WebDriver.

When one of the tests try to write into a login field, then Chrome WebDriver try to access the address book and due lack of permissions shows this message:

Google Chrome[424:ea03] Address book access is denied for executable at path: /Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome

How can I avoid that the driver try to access to the Address book?


1 回答 1


这可能是由 Chrome 的自动填充引起的。

我不知道你能不能告诉司机控制它。但是可以避免 Chrome 使用联系人进行自动填充:在其自动填充设置中禁用“包括我的通讯簿卡中的地址”。

于 2013-10-19T09:06:04.263 回答