

Class MyImage
       unsigned int** image;
       const unsigned int w;
       const unsigned int h;
       MyImage(unsigned int** _image,unsigned int _w,
                unsigned int _h); // copy constructor


 MyImage(unsigned int** _image,unsigned int _w,unsigned int _h)
       if (image)
           for (int i = 0;i < w;++i)
               delete[] image[i];
           delete[] image;

       // .. copy _image to imge

但是,如果 w 和 h 是 const 成员,似乎 w 和 h 必须在初始化列表中初始化,如下所示:

   MyImage(unsigned int** _image,unsigned int _w,unsigned int _h): w(_w),h(_h)
        // ..code

然后我无法删除图像,因为 w 在它之前发生了变化。我的问题是,如果我不想消除 w 和 h 中的 const 装饰,我该怎么办?有什么方法吗?谢谢。


3 回答 3



MyImage(unsigned int** _image,unsigned int _w,unsigned int _h)


MyImage(const MyImage &image)

不要使用: w(_w)并先删除以前的图像,然后使用w = image._w.


于 2013-04-24T08:37:36.200 回答

在您的情况下,作为 constw并没有错。h您可以通过以下方式编写构造函数:

 MyImage(unsigned int** _image,unsigned int _w,unsigned int _h)
     : w(_w), h(_h)
     // No data is allocated in the memory pointed to by image yet
     // We have to allocate it here. Remember, that copy-ctor is
     // a constructor, so it operates on newly created instance,
     // not on an existing one.

     image = new unsigned int * [h];
     for (int i = 0; i < h; i++)
         image[i] = new unsigned int [w];
         memcpy(image[i], _image[h], w * sizeof(unsigned int));

根据我的图像处理经验,考虑将图像逐行存储为单个表。您可以通过调用访问 (x, y)-th 元素data[y * w + x];在这种情况下,您可以简化您的复制 ctor:

MyImage::MyImage(unsigned int * source, int newW, int newH)
    : w(newW), h(newH)
    image = new unsigned int[w * h];
    memcpy((void *)image, (void *)source, w * h * sizeof(unsigned int));

按照 C++ 社区对这个术语的理解,复制构造函数看起来像这样:

MyImage::MyImage(const MyImage &source) 
    : w(source.w), h(source.h)
    image = new unsigned int[w * h];
    memcpy((void *)image, (void *)source.image, w * h * sizeof(unsigned int));


 // Your code
 MyImage(unsigned int** _image,unsigned int _w,unsigned int _h)
     // Class is allocated into some part of memory, which might
     // have been used, so in effect this may be actually true,
     // because image may contain some rubbish data
     if (image)
         // But this will result mostly likely in Access Violation
         // error, because you would try to use (free!) some random
         // data in memory.
         for (int i = 0;i < w;++i)
             delete[] image[i];
         delete[] image;

     // .. copy _image to imge

如果您需要类似分配的方法,它将某些图像的内容(存储在 unsigned int * 或另一个 Image 类中)复制到现有的 Image 实例,w并且h不能是 const。

于 2013-04-24T08:42:11.163 回答


struct MyImage
    const size_t w, h;
    vector<int> image;

    MyImage(const vector<int>& image, size_t w, size_t h)
        : image(image)
        , w(w)
        , h(h)
        assert(image.size() == w*h);

    MyImage(vector<int>&& image, size_t w, size_t h)
        : image(move(image))
        , w(w)
        , h(h)
        assert(image.size() == w*h);

    int& pixel(size_t x, size_t y) { return image[w*y+x]; }
    int pixel(size_t x, size_t y) const { return image[w*y+x]; }
于 2013-04-24T08:58:19.723 回答