While I am trying to index pages I am getting error in the solr admin screen
===================================================== `11:20:50 SEVERE SolrCore org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: ERROR: [doc=f6baa2fb88804967909bd23e6e25f770facd1cce/pages/1608/0/0/0] unknown field 'site' 11:20:51 WARNING XMLLoader Unknown attribute id in add:allowDups 11:20:51 WARNING XMLLoader Unknown attribute id in add:overwritePending 11:20:51 WARNING XMLLoader Unknown attribute id in add:overwriteCommitted 11:20:51 SEVERE SolrCore org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: ERROR: [doc=f6baa2fb88804967909bd23e6e25f770facd1cce/pages/1607/0/0/0] unknown field 'site' 11:33:31 SEVERE SolrCore org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: undefined field type 11:33:31 SEVERE SolrCore org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Unknown commit parameter 'waitFlush'` =====================================================
The typo3 developer logs show the following:
==================================================== /opt/lampp/steriauk/typo3conf/ext/solr/classes/indexqueue /class.tx_solr_indexqueue_pageindexer.php tx_solr_indexqueue_Item Object ( [indexQueueUid:protected] => 45992 [rootPageUid:protected] => 1 [type:protected] => pages [indexingConfigurationName:protected] => pages [changed:protected] => 1366715241 [indexingProperties:protected] => Array ( ) [indexingPropertiesLoaded:protected] => 1 [hasIndexingProperties:protected] => [recordUid:protected] => 209 [record:protected] => Array ( [uid] => 209 [pid] => 205 [t3ver_oid] => 0 [t3ver_id] => 0 [t3ver_wsid] => 0 [t3ver_label] =>` ====================================================
I have configured the solr extension and set up looks good as per the 'Status Report' page on typo3 admin, but the errors appear and nothing gets indexed.
Could somebody suggest if there anything I am missing in setting up the solrconfig.xml and schema.xml file. Actually these are located in my solr home which is in '/var/solr../../example/solr/collection1/conf' and '/opt/lampp/htdocs/../../ext/../solr/resources/conf/' . I am confused about which of the configs is used and how solr extension in typo3 talks to the solr search engine via tomcat.
I am using:
SOLR 4.2.0 Solr extension 2.8.2 Lampp: 1.8.1 Tomcat 6
Please let me know if you need any other information as I am new to these technologies and need to set it up urgently.
Thanks in advance