I have a div which acts like a modal popup. Inside that, I need a validation for which I setup a custom validator. But the message doesn't get fired, though the alert box does.
My code:
if ((oldFromTime <= newFromTime) && (oldToTime > newFromTime)) {
alert("Choose time ahead of the ones saved earlier.!");
arguments.IsValid = false;
else {
arguments.IsValid = true;
And my custom validator
<asp:CustomValidator id="cboToTimeMins_CustomValidator" ControlToValidate="cboToTimeMins" ClientValidationFunction="validateTime"
Display="static" ErrorMessage="Selected time range falls in the range of the ones saved earlier...! Choose another." runat="server" ValidationGroup="Timetable"/>
cboToTimeMins is my dropdown box, and I need to set the validation message based on the value selected from it. Is there something wrong in my code?
P.S. I am in need of only CLIENT SIDE validation.