I am compiling files and get working compiled code but the annotations seem to be completely ignored; no warnings no errors. Using calcdeps.py to compile my code with the following command:

set calc="D:\software\closure compiler\library\closure\bin\calcdeps.py"
c:\Python27\python.exe %calc% ^
--path D:\flex_sdk_4.6\projects\EnglishConverter\bin\js\ ^
--input D:\flex_sdk_4.6\projects\EnglishConverter\bin\js\mmt\Mediator.js ^
--input D:\flex_sdk_4.6\projects\EnglishConverter\bin\js\mmt\DomDependent.js ^
--input D:\flex_sdk_4.6\projects\EnglishConverter\bin\js\mmt\WorkFlow.js ^
--input D:\flex_sdk_4.6\projects\EnglishConverter\bin\js\mmt\Messenger.js ^
--input D:\flex_sdk_4.6\projects\EnglishConverter\bin\js\mmt\data.js ^
--compiler_jar "D:\software\closure compiler\compiler.jar" ^
--output_mode compiled ^
--compiler_flags="--compilation_level=ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS" ^
--compiler_flags="--formatting=PRETTY_PRINT" ^
--output_file D:\flex_sdk_4.6\projects\EnglishConverter\bin\js\main.js

For example in Messenger.js I have a function:

 * Replaces words in matches with a yes/no/all box
 * @param {Array} matches contains the items of myApp.data that matched words in text
 * @param {string} text contains the cleaned up user input (no html)

The variable matches has to be an Array and all code calling this function call it with an Array. To test type checking I changed the Array to string like so:

 * @param {string} matches contains the items of myApp.data that matched words in text

Compiled again but no warning or error is given. tried to add a parameter to the compiler in the batch file:

--compiler_flags="--jscomp_warning=checkTypes" ^

Now I get warnings. My question is: do I have to turn on all kinds of checking? Is there a way that all checks are on and I only explicitly turn off some?


1 回答 1



--jscomp_warning=checkTypes --jscomp_error=checkVars \
--jscomp_warning=deprecated --jscomp_error=duplicate \
--jscomp_warning=globalThis --jscomp_warning=missingProperties \
--jscomp_warning=undefinedNames --jscomp_error=undefinedVars

还有一些检查将被关闭,如果需要,您必须明确启用它们。默认情况下,afaik 无法启用所有功能。


于 2013-04-24T05:58:07.053 回答