I have a VSTO Word Addin project which integrates with the Word 2007, when I click on login button on my Addin, I execute the following method:

    private void btnOK_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        AuditDataAccess auditDataAccess = 

Here, DataAccessFactory is a class in another referenced assembly named RemoteData as follows:

public class DataAccessFactory
    static DataAccessFactory()
            objADDataAccess = new ADDataAccess();

Here, ADDataAccess is a class in the same assembly RemoteData as:

namespace RemoteData.Client
    public class ADDataAccess : IDataAccess
            RemoteData.Server.ADDataAccess proxy = null;

            internal  ADDataAccess()
                proxy = new RemoteData.Server.ADDataAccess(); // Error Line

public interface IDataAccess
        bool IsActive


Server.ADDataAccess is in the same assembly RemoteData as:

namespace RemoteData.Server
    public class ADDataAccess:DataAccess
        DataAccess.ADDataAccess objDataAccess;

        public ADDataAccess()
            //objDataAccess = new DataAccess.ADDataAccess();
public abstract class DataAccess : MarshalByRefObject
        public bool IsActive
            get { return true; }

I have commented the code for new DataAccess.ADDataAccess() which is creating a new object of a class in another reference assembly named DataAccess, thinking that this might be the one creating the problem, but I am still receiving the same error mentioned in the question header on the line commented as Error Line

EDIT: I have created a small project with the same architecture and it is working fine. Here is the download link: http://www.2shared.com/file/dGXNtsAK/Server.html

Please please help...


1 回答 1



                <channel ref="http">
                        <formatter ref="binary"/>
            <client url="" displayName="">
                <activated />

因为,我们直接实例化了通过其中的<activated/>元素公开的类型,而不是通过远程调用获取它们,所以它导致了异常。在 中评论了整个远程配置部分后web.config,它开始工作。

于 2013-04-29T16:47:27.610 回答