您可以尝试我的解决方案 - 对于维度 1 数组,您必须将数组扩展到维度 2(如下例所示),然后再将其传递给函数。
import numpy as np
import timeit
matrix1 = np.array([[0,10],
matrix2 = np.array([[0,10],
matrix3 = np.arange(0,0,dtype=int) # empty numpy-array
matrix3.shape = (0,2) # reshape to 0 rows
matrix4 = np.array([[0,10,100,1000],
matrix5 = np.arange(0,4000,1)
matrix5 = np.reshape(matrix5,(4,1000))
matrix6 = np.arange(0.0,4000,0.5)
matrix6 = np.reshape(matrix6,(20,400))
matrix1 = np.array([1,2,3])
matrix1 = np.expand_dims(matrix1, axis=0)
matrix2 = np.array([2,1])
matrix2 = np.expand_dims(matrix2, axis=0)
def add_2d_matrices(m1, m2, pos=(0,0), filler=None):
Add two 2d matrices of different sizes or shapes,
offset by xy coordinates, whereat x is "from left to right" (=axis:1)
and y is "from top to bottom" (=axis:0)
- m1: first matrix
- m2: second matrix
- pos: tuple (x,y) containing coordinates for m2 offset,
- filler: gaps are filled with the value of filler (or zeros)
- 2d array (float):
containing filler-values, m1-values, m2-values
or the sum of m1,m2 (at overlapping areas)
Reinhard Daemon, Austria
# determine shape of final array:
_m1 = np.copy(m1)
_m2 = np.copy(m2)
x,y = pos
y1,x1 = _m1.shape
y2,x2 = _m2.shape
xmax = max(x1, x2+x)
ymax = max(y1, y2+y)
# fill-up _m1 array with zeros:
y1,x1 = _m1.shape
diff = xmax - x1
_z = np.zeros((y1,diff))
_m1 = np.hstack((_m1,_z))
y1,x1 = _m1.shape
diff = ymax - y1
_z = np.zeros((diff,x1))
_m1 = np.vstack((_m1,_z))
# shift _m2 array by 'pos' and fill-up with zeros:
y2,x2 = _m2.shape
_z = np.zeros((y2,x))
_m2 = np.hstack((_z,_m2))
y2,x2 = _m2.shape
diff = xmax - x2
_z = np.zeros((y2,diff))
_m2 = np.hstack((_m2,_z))
y2,x2 = _m2.shape
_z = np.zeros((y,x2))
_m2 = np.vstack((_z,_m2))
y2,x2 = _m2.shape
diff = ymax - y2
_z = np.zeros((diff,x2))
_m2 = np.vstack((_m2,_z))
# add the 2 arrays:
_m3 = _m1 + _m2
# find and fill the "unused" positions within the summed array:
if filler not in (None,0,0.0):
y1,x1 = m1.shape
y2,x2 = m2.shape
x1min = 0
x1max = x1-1
y1min = 0
y1max = y1-1
x2min = x
x2max = x + x2-1
y2min = y
y2max = y + y2-1
for xx in range(xmax):
for yy in range(ymax):
if x1min <= xx <= x1max and y1min <= yy <= y1max:
if x2min <= xx <= x2max and y2min <= yy <= y2max:
_m3[yy,xx] = filler
t1 = timeit.Timer("add_2d_matrices(matrix5, matrix6, pos=(1,1), filler=111.111)", \
"from __main__ import add_2d_matrices,matrix5,matrix6")
print("ran:",t1.timeit(number=10), "milliseconds")
my_res = add_2d_matrices(matrix1, matrix2, pos=(1,1), filler=99.99)