typedef struct MENUELEMENT
void* OK_func; void* OK_args;
} menuElement_t;
menuElement_t* curMenuElement;
menuElement_t menu[] =
//First Menu Element
(void*)menuDisplayText, (void*)("Test", (char*)&lcdBuffer[0]) //menuDisplayText is a function that takes two arguments
//Second Menu Element
(void*)menuDisplayVal, (void*)&value[0] //menuDisplayVal is a function that takes one argument
void loop() //Main Loop - just an example of how the function pointed to by curMenuElement is executed
curMenuElement = &menu[0];
(*reinterpret_cast<void (*)(...)>(curMenuElement->OK_func))(curMenuElement->OK_args); //General template for function pointed to at OK_func with OK_args
到目前为止,这适用于一个参数,但是我无法弄清楚如何在 struct 变量的初始化中传递多个参数的列表。这甚至可能无需使用使用 va_list 的构建器函数吗?