我的页面上有多个链接,当您单击时,会有一个 div,其中根据您单击的链接显示测验。测验使用 ajax 显示。测验由多个 div 组成,如下所示:

<div class="displayquiz-particularquestion-container1" > ... </div>
<div class="displayquiz-particularquestion-container2" > ... </div>
<div class="displayquiz-particularquestion-containern" > ... </div>

哪里n是问题的总数,因此是 div 的总数。每个 div 包含一个文本形式的问题,为了回答问题,每个 div 包含一个文本输入标签或多个单选按钮。您将答案写在具有输入标签的那些上,并在带有单选按钮的那些上检查答案。

现在,我希望能够遍历所有这些 div(这就是我给它们唯一的类名的原因)并检查它们是否包含文本输入标签或单选按钮,并获取文本输入标签的值或分别选中的单选按钮。

到目前为止,我的代码看起来像这样。注意:check-answers-button是用户按下以检查他们在测验中的答案的按钮标签的 ID。基本上所有的问题都已经显示并且用户回答了,所以现在我需要挑选答案。该displayTo对象还表示主 div,其中包含所有包含问题的 div。


    // ------ Get the class of the last question container and extract the number from it so as to know how
    //           many questions to loop through

    var numberOfQuestionsClass = displayTo.find('[class*="displayquiz-particularquestion-container"]:last').attr('class');
    var numberOfQuestions = '';

    for(var y = numberOfQuestionsClass.length - 1 ; y > 0; y-- )
        if(!isNaN(numberOfQuestionsClass[y])) numberOfQuestions += numberOfQuestionsClass[y];
        else break;

    // ------ The 'numberOfQuestions' variable now contains the number of questions

    // ------ 'questionsObjectData' will contain all the questions and thier respective answers
    questionsObjectData = {};

    // ------ Loop through all the questions and get the answers
    for(x = 1; x <= numberOfQuestions; x++){
        var question = displayTo.find('.displayquiz-particularquestion-container' + x);

        questionsObjectData['question' + x] = {};

        // ------ Check if the question has a written answer
        if(question.find('input[name=written-answer]').val() === undefined){

            // ------ The question is an option question, get the checked radio button and add it
            //           to the 'questionsObjectData' object

            questionsObjectData['question' + x]['answer'] = question.find('input[name=written-answer]').val();


            // ------ The question has a written answer, get the content of the input text field and add it
            //           to the 'questionsObjectData' object

            questionsObjectData['question' + x]['answer'] = question.find('input[type="radio"]:checked').val();




console.log(questionsObjectData);到目前为止,我使用它来查看我的数据内容。问题是answer主对象内的每个“问题”对象的属性questionsObjectData都是未定义的。无论问题是否有文本标签或单选按钮,如果文本标签为空或未选中单选按钮,总是undefined为什么会这样?我需要提供 HTML 代码吗?


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