我对 Angular 和 Jasmine 很陌生,当我试图伪造服务“查询”调用时遇到问题。以下内容被“描述”包围:

var mockBackend;

beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, $controller, AppServ) {
  // We need to setup our controllers to use fake services provided by angular-mocks
  $scope = $rootScope.$new();
  mockBackend = AppServ;

  $controller('AppInformationController', {
    $scope: $scope,
    AppServ: mockBackend

it("should try to call the service, but we intercept it", function() {
  spyOn(mockBackend, 'query').andReturn({'title':'Mock title'});

  expect($scope.app.title).toBe("Mock title");

“AppServ”上方是我的服务,每当测试对该服务调用“查询”以返回一些默认信息时,我想拦截。实际上,这只是为了了解 Jasmine 和 Angular 是如何工作的。该服务本身只保留本地副本(它基本上是一个假服务)。


Services.factory("AppServ", function($http) {
  var app = {};
  var theAppOnServer = {};

  app['query'] = function() {
    return theAppOnServer;

  app['save'] = function(app) {
    theAppOnServer = $.extend({}, app);

  app['updateApp'] = function() {
    theAppOnServer['title'] = "Title From Server";

  return app;


MobileIntake.controller("AppInformationController", function($scope, AppServ) {
  $scope.app = AppServ.query();

  //var AppOverviewController = function($scope) {
  $scope.appNameChange = function(oldValue, newValue, scope) {
    console.log("You've changed the app name!");

  $scope.serverAppNameChange = function() {
  // Set up a watcher if we want to be updated by other things (like the server)
  $scope.$watch("app.title", $scope.appNameChange);


有人可以告诉我为什么 spyOn 似乎没有拦截服务上的“查询”函数调用吗?我已经看到了其他几个答案,他们正在使用 $http 和一些特殊的逻辑,但我只是想知道我也可以拦截非 http 函数。


1 回答 1



beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, $controller) {
  // We need to setup our controllers to use fake services provided by angular-mocks
  $scope = $rootScope.$new();

  $controller('AppInformationController', {
    $scope: $scope

it("should try to call the service, but we intercept it", inject(function(AppServ) {
  spyOn(AppServ, 'query').andReturn({'title':'Mock title'});

  expect($scope.app.title).toBe("Mock title");
于 2013-04-23T20:43:17.373 回答