* Report an ad as inappropriate
* This happens when a user click
* the "Report ad" link on the ad
* view page.
* The ad can then be reviewed
* and disabled.
* @param int | The ad id
function report_ad($aid) {
$row = $this->db->dbh->query('UPDATE '. $this->config->db_prefix .'_adverts SET been_reported = 1, num_reports = num_reports + 1 WHERE aid = '.$aid.'');
和这个 jQuery 来处理链接点击
var conf = confirm("Do you want to report this ad as inappropriate?");
var aid = {$smarty.get.aid}
if(conf == true) {
url: 'reportad.php',
type: 'post',
data: {literal}{aid: aid}{/literal},
success: function(data) {
alert("The ad has been reported as inappropriate");
error: function(data) {
alert("An error occured");
return false;
reportad.php 仅包含以下内容:
$adverts = new Adverts();
由于某种原因,它用 2 更新 num_reports,所以如果它是 1,它将变为 3,然后是 5,依此类推。我看不出哪里有问题。