我又提出了一个疑问:有没有一种方法可以让我们使用一个查询的结果,然后像在 SQL 中那样进一步加入相同的查询:

SELECT Applications.* , ApplicationFees.ApplicationNo, ApplicationFees.AccountFundDate1,ApplicationFees.AccountFundDate2 ,ApplicationFees.AccountFundDate3 , ApplicationFees.AccountCloseDate1, ApplicationFees.AccountCloseDate2,ApplicationFees.AccountCloseDate3,
isnull(SUBQRY11.AMNT ,0) as SCMSFEE1R,
isnull(SUBQRY12.AMNT,0) as SCMSFEE2R,
Left Join 
SELECT ApplicationNo,COUNT(ApplicationNo) AS CNT, SUM(Amount) as AMNT 
FROM Payments where (FEETYPE=1 AND FeePosition=1)  and (FeeDate>='2011-01-01')
and (FeeDate<='2012-01-01')
GROUP BY ApplicationNo
ON ApplicationFees.ApplicationNo= SUBQRY11.ApplicationNo 
Left Join 
SELECT ApplicationNo,COUNT(ApplicationNo) AS CNT2, SUM(Amount) as AMNT 

FROM Payments where (FEETYPE=1 AND FeePosition=2) and (FeeDate>='2011-01-01') 
 and (FeeDate<='2012-01-01')
GROUP BY ApplicationNo )SUBQRY12 ON ApplicationFees.ApplicationNo=SUBQRY12.ApplicationNo

我想避免在 foreach 中进行相同的查询,因为这将非常耗时。


1 回答 1



var query = from f in db.ApplicationFees
            join sub in (from p in db.Payments
                         where p.Type == 1 && p.Position == 1 && 
                               p.Date >= fromDate && p.Date <= toDate
                         group p by p.ApplicationNo into g
                         select new {
                              ApplicationNo = g.Key,
                              CNT = g.Count(),
                              AMNT = g.Sum(x => x.Amount)
           on f.ApplicationNo equals sub.ApplicationNo into feePayments
           select new { Fee = f, Payments = feePayments };


var payments = from p in db.Payments
               where p.Type == 1 && p.Position == 1 && 
               p.Date >= fromDate && p.Date <= toDate
               group p by p.ApplicationNo into g
               select new {
                    ApplicationNo = g.Key,
                    CNT = g.Count(),
                    AMNT = g.Sum(x => x.Amount)

var query = from f in db.ApplicationFees
            join p in payments 
               on f.ApplicationNo equals p.ApplicationNo into feePayments
            select new { Fee = f, Payments = feePayments };
于 2013-04-23T09:59:31.677 回答