I have a large list of elements that I want to iterate in random order. However, I cannot modify the list and I don't want to create a copy of it either, because 1) it is large and 2) it can be expected that the iteration is cancelled early.
List<T> data = ...;
Iterator<T> shuffled = shuffle(data);
while (shuffled.hasNext()) {
T t = shuffled.next();
if (System.console().readLine("Do you want %s?", t).startsWith("y")) {
return t;
System.out.println("That's all");
return t;
I am looking for an algorithm were the code above would run in O(n)
(and preferably require only O(log n)
space), so caching the elements that were produced earlier is not an option. I don't care if the algorithm is biased (as long as it's not obvious).
(I uses pseudo-Java in my question, but you can use other languages if you wish)
Here is the best I got so far.
Iterator<T> shuffle(final List<T> data) {
int p = data.size();
while ((data.size() % p) == 0) p = randomPrime();
return new Iterator<T>() {
final int prime = p;
int n = 0, i = 0;
public boolean hasNext() { return i < data.size(); }
public T next() {
i++; n += prime;
return data.get(n);
Iterating all elements in O(n)
, constant space, but obviously biased as it can produce only data.size()