I am new to C++ and have been working with MS VISUAL STUDIO 2010 Express. However, I am in need to shift to Qt as my university recommends. Unfortunately, the qt.nokia.com is redirecting to another site http://qt.digia.com/.

Since everything in that site is not free, I found the following link called "Qt Open Source Version". Is this is the site to download Qt?

When I go there, I can see various options, which means number of downloads. I have windows 7 ultimate and got visual studio 2010 express installed in my machine. But, this site got number of windows downloads. I prefer the one which claims to come with the Qt IDE (Qt Creator??). If you need further more information, I will be using this Qt GUI C++ applications with OpenCV.

I have already installed OpenCV and it works with VS so if you can, please tell me how to set it up with Qt as well.

Please help me to download the correct version of Qt. Thanks


3 回答 3



我知道你有过 VS 的经验,但我会建议你选择 MinGW。



于 2013-04-23T08:54:57.673 回答

qt-project 是获取开源 Qt 的正确位置。

有用于 VS2012 的 Qt 5.0 的预构建二进制文件,但如果您想将 Qt 4.8 与 VS2012 一起使用,您需要自己编译它,因为 VS2012 没有预构建的二进制文件(还没有?)。编译 Qt 并不难,只需打开 VS2012 的命令提示符,运行configure --help即可了解如何自定义 Qt 构建。然后configure使用适当的参数运行,然后nmake.

如果您决定使用 Qt Creator 作为 IDE,欢迎您这样做 - Qt Creator 可以使用不同的编译器编译项目,包括 VS2012 编译器。但是为了调试使用 VS2012 编译器编译的项目,您需要使用 VS2012 或安装Windows 调试工具(Qt Creator 将找到并使用它来调试 VS2012 生成的可执行文件)。

于 2013-04-23T08:50:33.693 回答


Qt 5.0

根据您的操作系统从下面的列表中选择文件,以获得适用于您计算机的最新 Qt 5.0。二进制包包括Qt 5.0.2 库Qt Creator 2.7.0

适用于 Windows 32 位的 Qt 5.0.2(VS 2010,485 MB)

于 2013-04-23T08:53:23.163 回答