


  1. 使用输入参数运行控制台应用程序。(这是程序当前运行的方式。)

  2. 然后,我想等待控制台应用程序的响应,然后再继续下一步。该程序需要等待,因为它正在调用 Web 服务。我需要确定对 Web 服务的响应代码调用 = 0。

  3. 下一步取决于来自 Web 服务的响应。

    一个。如果来自 Web 服务的响应 = 0,则使用参数再次调用控制台应用程序以关闭 Web 服务上的客户帐户。


    湾。如果来自 Web 服务的响应不 = 0,则应向用户显示一条消息,说明问题所在。没有进一步的调用。



2 回答 2



@echo off
call myApp.exe %*
set result=%errorlevel%
echo result = %result%

if %result%==0 call myApp.exe close (or whatever the paramaters are)
if %result%==1 echo "Message explaining what error code 1 means"
if %result%==2 echo "Message explaining what error code 2 means"

这将使用您传递到批处理文件中的任何参数调用 myApp.exe。如果需要,您可以将 替换为%*硬编码输入。然后打印应用程序的退出代码,并且可以再次调用它来关闭或打印一条解释错误代码的消息。


// Start the child process.
Process p = new Process();
// Redirect the output stream of the child process.
p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
p.StartInfo.FileName = "externalExecutable.exe";
p.Arguments = "-arg1 -arg2";
// Wait for the child process to exit before
// reading to the end of its redirected stream.
// Read the output stream
string output = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
// Parse the output to see what you should do
// Or just use the exit code from the proccess
if (output.Equals("0") || p.ExitCode == 0) {
   // Do what you need to in this case
} else {
   // Do something else here
于 2013-04-22T22:06:20.290 回答

我已经在 vbnet 中完成了这个通用函数,真的不知道这是否会帮助你,因为我们不知道你在说哪种语言。

使用此函数,您可以等待并读取进程输出(例如进程 CMD):

#Region " Run Process Function "

    ' [ Run Process Function ]
    ' // By Elektro H@cker
    ' Examples :
    ' MsgBox(Run_Process("Process.exe")) 
    ' MsgBox(Run_Process("Process.exe", "Arguments"))
    ' MsgBox(Run_Process("CMD.exe", "/C Dir /B", True))
    ' MsgBox(Run_Process("CMD.exe", "/C @Echo OFF & For /L %X in (0,1,50000) Do (Echo %X)", False, False))
    ' MsgBox(Run_Process("CMD.exe", "/C Dir /B /S %SYSTEMDRIVE%\*", , False, 500))
    '  If Run_Process("CMD.exe", "/C Dir /B", True).Contains("File.txt") Then MsgBox("File found")

    Private Function Run_Process(ByVal Process_Name As String, Optional Process_Arguments As String = Nothing, Optional Read_Output As Boolean = False, Optional Process_Hide As Boolean = False, Optional Process_TimeOut As Integer = 999999999)

        ' Returns True if "Read_Output" argument is False and Process was finished OK
        ' Returns False if ExitCode is not "0"
        ' Returns Nothing if process can't be found or can't be started
        ' Returns "ErrorOutput" or "StandardOutput" (In that priority) if Read_Output argument is set to True.


            Dim My_Process As New Process()
            Dim My_Process_Info As New ProcessStartInfo()

            My_Process_Info.FileName = Process_Name ' Process filename
            My_Process_Info.Arguments = Process_Arguments ' Process arguments
            My_Process_Info.CreateNoWindow = Process_Hide ' Show or hide the process Window
            My_Process_Info.UseShellExecute = False ' Don't use system shell to execute the process
            My_Process_Info.RedirectStandardOutput = Read_Output '  Redirect (1) Output
            My_Process_Info.RedirectStandardError = Read_Output ' Redirect non (1) Output
            My_Process.EnableRaisingEvents = True ' Raise events
            My_Process.StartInfo = My_Process_Info
            My_Process.Start() ' Run the process NOW

            My_Process.WaitForExit(Process_TimeOut) ' Wait X ms to kill the process (Default value is 999999999 ms which is 277 Hours)

            Dim ERRORLEVEL = My_Process.ExitCode ' Stores the ExitCode of the process
            If Not ERRORLEVEL = 0 Then Return False ' Returns the Exitcode if is not 0

            If Read_Output = True Then
                Dim Process_ErrorOutput As String = My_Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() ' Stores the Error Output (If any)
                Dim Process_StandardOutput As String = My_Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() ' Stores the Standard Output (If any)
                ' Return output by priority
                If Process_ErrorOutput IsNot Nothing Then Return Process_ErrorOutput ' Returns the ErrorOutput (if any)
                If Process_StandardOutput IsNot Nothing Then Return Process_StandardOutput ' Returns the StandardOutput (if any)
            End If

        Catch ex As Exception
            Return Nothing ' Returns nothing if the process can't be found or started.
        End Try

        Return True ' Returns True if Read_Output argument is set to False and the process finished without errors.

    End Function

#End Region
于 2013-04-22T23:43:45.363 回答