The Chrome developer tools have a feature to change the user-agent to spoof servers enabling developers to test applications for other devices and browsers without having to leave the comfort of the Chrome browser on a desktop terminal. I assume that Chrome emulates these other browsers rather than them virtually. How standards compliant is Chrome with regard to JavaScript, CSS, and other technical browser differences? For instance, has anyone done a comprehensive test to determine if the Chrome emulation of Internet Explorer 7 and the actual Internet Explorer 7 render identical pages, pixel for pixel?
7756 次
1 回答
当用户代理字符串更改时,Chrome 根本不会尝试模拟其他浏览器。
要验证此断言,只需使用 Internet Explorer 特定的功能,例如条件编译、条件注释、ActiveX、VB 脚本……这些在 Chrome 中都没有。
如果您想让 Chrome 像 Internet Explorer 一样呈现页面,请安装IE Tab Chrome 扩展程序。但需要现有 Internet Explorer 安装,这意味着不支持 Linux 和 Mac 等非 Windows 操作系统。
于 2013-04-28T11:24:45.287 回答