我已经阅读了有关如何为某些针过滤字符串的所有线程,我认为stripos()这将完成这项工作,但是,例如,当找到第一根针时,该函数不会返回 true,就好像它仅使用过滤干草堆一样我的数组的第二个值。

例子 :

$String = 'IWantToSolveThisProblem!!';
$needle = array('want', 'solve');

foreach ($needle as $value) {

$res = stripos($String, $value,0);
if($res !==false){

echo 'found';
else {
echo 'not found'; }}


问题是它只使用我的数组的最后一个值来循环。如果第一个值存在于字符串中而不是第二个值,它将返回 false。我不想运行多个 if 语句


6 回答 6



$str = "IWantToSolveThisProblem!";
$str2 = 'IWantAnAnswer';
$needles = array('want', 'solve');

foreach ($needles as $needle){
        $res = stripos($str2, $needle, 0);
        if ($res !== false){
                echo "$needle found\n";
        else {
                echo "$needle not found\n";
echo "\n";


$php testme.php

want found
solve not found


于 2013-04-22T19:48:45.610 回答

我已将您的问题解释为寻找一个函数,当所有针都存在于给定的干草堆中时,该函数返回 true,而这里有一个函数可以做到这一点......

 * Search the haystack for all of the given needles, returning true only if 
 * they are all present.
 * @param  string  $haystack  String to search
 * @param  array   $needles   Needles to look for
 * @return boolean            
function stripos_array($haystack, array $needles)
    foreach ($needles as $needle)
        if (stripos($haystack, $needle) === false) return false;
    return true;

// Test the function

$string = 'IWantToSolveThisProblem!!';

$search = array('want', 'solve');
$found = stripos_array($string, $search);
echo $found ? 'found' : 'not found', "\n"; // found

$search = array('want', 'cheese');
$found = stripos_array($string, $search);
echo $found ? 'found' : 'not found', "\n"; // not found

$search = array('cheese', 'problem');
$found = stripos_array($string, $search);
echo $found ? 'found' : 'not found', "\n"; // not found

如果找到任何针而不是所有针,则将此函数更改为返回 true 将是微不足道的。

 * Search the haystack for any of the given needles, returning true if any of
 * them are present.
 * @param  string  $haystack  String to search
 * @param  array   $needles   Needles to look for
 * @return boolean            
function stripos_array($haystack, array $needles)
    foreach ($needles as $needle)
        if (stripos($haystack, $needle) !== false) return true;
    return false;
于 2013-04-22T22:31:47.307 回答
$String = 'IWantToSolveThisProblem!!'; //you were missing this semicolon
$needle = array('want', 'solve'); //no spaces before the array (not needed, I just like nospaces :P)

foreach($needle as $value) {

$res = stripos($String, $value,0);
if($res !==false){

echo 'found';
else {
echo 'not found'; }}


$haystack = "string to be tested";
$needles  = array("string","to","pineapple","tested");
foreach($needles as $needle){
        echo "The word \"$needle\" was found in the string \"$haystack\".";
        echo "The word \"$needle\" was NOT found in the string \"$haystack\".";

Expected Output:
The word "string" was found in the string "string to be tested".
The word "to" was found in the string "string to be tested".
The word "pineapple" was NOT found in the string "string to be tested".
The word "tested" was found in the string "string to be tested".

Actual Output:
The word "string" was NOT found in the string "string to be tested".
The word "to" was found in the string "string to be tested".
The word "pineapple" was NOT found in the string "string to be tested".
The word "tested" was found in the string "string to be tested".


“此函数可能返回布尔值 FALSE,但也可能返回非布尔值,其计算结果为 FALSE。有关更多信息,请阅读布尔值部分。使用 === 运算符测试此函数的返回值。”

因此,更改 if(stripos($haystack,$needle,0))if(stripos($haystack,$needle,0) !== False) 修复逻辑。

$String = 'IWantToSolveThisProblem!!'; 
$needle = array('want', 'solve', 42); 

foreach($needle as $value) {

if(stripos($String, $value,0) !== FALSE){
    echo "found \"$value\" in \"$String \"";
else {
    echo "$value not found"; 
于 2013-04-22T19:45:25.623 回答


if(stripos($value,$array[0]) !== false){ //check for the first element 
   echo "found want";
if(stripos($value,$array[1]) !== false){ //check for the second element
   echo "found solve";
于 2013-04-22T19:46:29.493 回答
$String = 'IWantToSolveThisProblem!!';
$needle = array('want', 'solve');

foreach ($needle as $value) {

$res = stripos($String, $value,0);
if($res !==false){

echo 'found';
else {
echo 'not found'; }}


如果您将 foreach 循环“转换”为 if 语句,它将与以下内容相同:

if(stripos($String,$needle[0]) !== false){ //check for the first element 
   echo "found";
if(stripos($String,$needle[1]) !== false){ //check for the second element
   echo "found";


所以 foreach - 循环执行几个 if 条件(数组中的每个元素一个)

于 2013-04-22T21:49:52.570 回答

您得到“未找到”,因为当 $value 变为“解决”时,在$String = 'IWantAnAnswer'.

于 2013-04-22T20:21:43.663 回答