I'm working on a game framework inspired by XNA. Almost every day I find a new problem with this or that. Today, it's going from window mode to full-screen and back. The gist of it is:
If I start the game in windowed mode it works fine. When I go full-screen in works fine too. After switching back from full-screen something goes wrong and nothing is drawn on the screen. Going to full-screen again works fine. I just get this problem in windowed mode unless the game started in it.
I set the window this way:
public void setW(){
if(graphicDevice.getFullScreenWindow() != null && jFrame.isDisplayable())graphicDevice.getFullScreenWindow().dispose();
jFrame.getContentPane().setPreferredSize(new Dimension(width, height));
graphics = (Graphics2D)jFrame.getContentPane().getGraphics();
fullScreen = false;
Full-screen is set like this
public void setFS(){
graphicDevice.setDisplayMode(new DisplayMode(width, height, 32, 60));
graphics = (Graphics2D)jFrame.getContentPane().getGraphics(); // graphicDevice.getFullScreenWindow().getGraphics(); does the same thing
fullScreen = true;
Then I use this method to draw... deviceManager.getGraphics().draw...(actually i use an intermediary bufferImage) I use a game loop so this happens continuously.
public Graphics2D getGraphics(){
return graphics;
Now if I use this method:
public Graphics2D getGraphics(){
return (Graphics2D)graphics;
return (Graphics2D)jFrame.getContentPane().getGraphics();
I'm sure I'm doing something wrong. Thew windowed mode works, this I know. Why does it go pear-shaped when I return from full-screen. The window just stays gray with nothing being painted on it.
However if I create a method like this:
public void assignGraphics(){
graphics = (Graphics2D)jFrame.getContentPane().getGraphics()
And call it later(one game cycle passed) it fixes the problem. That's why the second mode-switching method works, since it gets Graphics from the JFrame every cycle.
Worked on the problem quite a bit since starting this question and I thing here is the real crux of it: Why can't I get the Graphics for a Window in the same cycle I leave full-screen?