我引用了错误 C2995:已定义函数模板,但我不清楚如何解决编译时错误。我没有发现任何circular references错误,因此我想了解编译器生成这些错误的原因。


#ifndef TREE_H_
#define TREE_H_



#include <boost/serialization/nvp.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/split_free.hpp>


namespace boost { 

     namespace serialization {

         template <class Archive, class T>
         inline void save(
            Archive &archive, 
            const boost::shared_ptr<T> &subtree,  
            const unsigned int file_version

            // only the raw pointer has to be saved
            const T *subtree_x = subtree.get();

            archive << boost::serialization::make_nvp("raw_pointer", subtree_x);

        template <class Archive, class T>
        inline void load(
            Archive &archive, 
            boost::shared_ptr<T> &subtree, 
            const unsigned int /*file_version*/

            T *p_subtree;

            // recover the underlying raw pointer
            archive >> boost::serialization::make_nvp("raw_pointer", p_subtree);

                subtree = boost::shared_ptr< T >(p_subtree);


        template <class Archive, class T>
        inline void serialize(
            Archive &archive, 
            boost::shared_ptr<T> &subtree,  // no const or else get compile-time error
            const unsigned int file_version

            boost::serialization::split_free(archive, subtree, file_version);

    } // namespace serialization
} // namespace boost

template <class T = int>

class Tree{

    class TreeNode{





error C2995: 'void boost::serialization::load(Archive &,boost::shared_ptr<U> &,const unsigned int)' : function template has already been define
error C2995: 'void boost::serialization::load(Archive &,boost::shared_ptr<U> &,const unsigned int)' : function template has already been defined    
error C2995: 'void boost::serialization::load(Archive &,boost::shared_ptr<U> &,const unsigned int)' : function template has already been defined    
error C2995: 'void boost::serialization::save(Archive &,const boost::shared_ptr<U> &,const unsigned int)' : function template has already been defined  
error C2995: 'void boost::serialization::save(Archive &,const boost::shared_ptr<U> &,const unsigned int)' : function template has already been defined  
error C2995: 'void boost::serialization::save(Archive &,const boost::shared_ptr<U> &,const unsigned int)' : function template has already been defined  
error C2995: 'void boost::serialization::serialize(Archive &,boost::shared_ptr<U> &,const unsigned int)' : function template has already been defined   
error C2995: 'void boost::serialization::serialize(Archive &,boost::shared_ptr<U> &,const unsigned int)' : function template has already been defined   
error C2995: 'void boost::serialization::serialize(Archive &,boost::shared_ptr<U> &,const unsigned int)' : function template has already been defined   

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