I've done a bit of research on the order of index columns but am not 100% sure so please bear with me on this! I have the following table:

CREATE TABLE [Valuation]
      [ValuationID] [int] IDENTITY(1, 1)
                          NOT NULL
                          CONSTRAINT [PK_Valuation] PRIMARY KEY ,  
      VersionID INT NOT NULL ,  
      AlphanumericIdentifier VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,  
      other columns  

I do many joins on this table to others on VersionID and AlphanumericIdentifier, so I put an index on it:

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Valuation] ON [dbo].[Valuation]   
[VersionID] ASC,
[AlphanumericIdentifier] ASC

Two questions:

  1. These joins are usually done for a specific VersionID, so this is the most selective column and should be the first in the index - correct?
  2. Inserts are always done for a single version, which is 1 more than the last version. This should mitigate the performance hit on inserts as the inserted rows are a 'chunk' that can be added to the end of the index. Is this right?

I'm pretty sure that I'm right on 1, but is 2 correct?

Thanks Joe


2 回答 2



“这些连接通常针对特定的 VersionID 完成,因此这是最具选择性的列,应该是索引中的第一个。”

连接与它无关,除非连接被用作过滤器。过滤器(Where 子句谓词)和排序(Order By 子句)使用索引。是否使用索引取决于有多少记录(行)满足过滤器。如果查询将返回表中的每一行(没有 where 子句),那么很可能不会使用索引,因为查询优化器会(正确地)决定它可能只读取整个表而不是尝试使用一个索引。索引是分层的树结构,具有多个级别。对于查询将返回的每一行,使用索引需要每个索引级别一个磁盘 I/O。因此,如果查询将返回表中的所有 1000 行,并且索引中有五个级别,那么这将需要 5000 次 IO。直接从表中读取数据,而不是索引,


仅当索引是聚集索引时,此语句才成立。在您的架构中,聚集索引是主键(因为虽然您可以覆盖它,但这是默认行为),它是 on ValuationID,而不是 on VersionId因此,任何记录的“块”插入,无论它们是否都具有相同的 versionId,都将添加到索引的末尾,因为它们都将具有 new valuationIds。

于 2013-04-22T15:54:29.020 回答




于 2013-04-22T15:42:50.607 回答