我正在使用 Galleriffic Galley 插件 ( http://www.twospy.com/galleriffic/ ) 在我的网站中显示幻灯片。

很多参数都在 JQuery 中定义。由于我的网站是响应式的,我想更改其中一些参数,以便页面在移动设备上显示不同。

在我的页面底部,我有以下代码,我想将“numThumbs”从 18 更改为 6。



<script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
        // We only want these styles applied when javascript is enabled
        $('div.navigation').css({'width' : '100%', 'float' : 'left'});
        $('div.content').css('display' , 'block');

        // Initially set opacity on thumbs and add
        // additional styling for hover effect on thumbs
        var onMouseOutOpacity = 0.67;
        $('#thumbs ul.thumbs li').opacityrollover({
            mouseOutOpacity:   onMouseOutOpacity,
            mouseOverOpacity:  1.0,
            fadeSpeed:         'fast',
            exemptionSelector: '.selected'

        // Initialize Advanced Galleriffic Gallery
        var gallery = $('#thumbs').galleriffic({
            delay:                     2500,
            numThumbs:                 18,
            preloadAhead:              10,
            enableTopPager:            true,
            enableBottomPager:         true,
            maxPagesToShow:            7,
            imageContainerSel:         '#slideshow',
            controlsContainerSel:      '#controls',
            captionContainerSel:       '#caption',
            loadingContainerSel:       '#loading',
            renderSSControls:          true,
            renderNavControls:         true,
            playLinkText:              'Play Slideshow',
            pauseLinkText:             'Pause Slideshow',
            prevLinkText:              '&lsaquo; Prev',
            nextLinkText:              'Next &rsaquo;',
            nextPageLinkText:          'Next &rsaquo;',
            prevPageLinkText:          '&lsaquo; Prev',
            enableHistory:             false,
            autoStart:                 false,
            syncTransitions:           true,
            defaultTransitionDuration: 900,
            onSlideChange:             function(prevIndex, nextIndex) {
                // 'this' refers to the gallery, which is an extension of $('#thumbs')
                    .eq(prevIndex).fadeTo('fast', onMouseOutOpacity).end()
                    .eq(nextIndex).fadeTo('fast', 1.0);
            onPageTransitionOut:       function(callback) {
                this.fadeTo('fast', 0.0, callback);
            onPageTransitionIn:        function() {
                this.fadeTo('fast', 1.0);

1 回答 1


From — 在 jQuery 中检测移动设备的最佳方法是什么?


  var isMobile = false;

  if( /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ) {
    isMobile = true;

  var gallery = $('#thumbs').galleriffic({
        delay:                     2500,
        numThumbs:                 isMobile ? 18 : 6,
        preloadAhead:              10.....
于 2013-04-22T17:14:39.160 回答