在 Graph API Explorer 中,这个查询给了我结果
SELECT post_id, fromid, text, time, id, username, likes, user_likes, parent_id FROM comment WHERE post_id = '100940606645739_405463442860119' ORDER BY time DESC
https://graph.facebook.com/fql?q=SELECT post_id, fromid, text, time, id, username, likes, user_likes, parent_id FROM comment WHERE post_id = '100940606645739_405463442860119' ORDER BY time DESC&access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN
(最后一个链接也适用于 Graph API Explorer)
它说 parent_id 不是评论表的成员。
"error": {
"message": "(#602) parent_id is not a member of the comment table.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 602
注意:切勿分享您的 Facebook 秘密或访问令牌。