This happened recently and I don't really know what is causing this. Some pages are fine so I tried copying the codes over to those files affected and the content is pushed down, two files with same code and one of them is pushed down. I thought maybe it could be the file format so I tried changing encoding to UTF-8, UTF-8 without BOM, ANSI. Using notepad++, CodeIgniter, XAMPP
This is what I mean
It should be like this
Appears in quotation when inspecting elements in Chrome(able to delete by clicking delete node and it is becomes fine)
Appears as spaces/tabs when viewing source in IE
A simple HTML code like this can cause this problem
<body link="#294052" vlink="#294052" alink="grey" font="verdana" style="width:1407px">
<div id="header" style="height:100px;width:1407px;background-color:#294052;">
<div id="img" style="float:left;">
<img src="/e-com/images/logo.jpg" style="margin-left:130%;" />