我正在为我的分类广告注册(通过教程),但我遇到了问题。出于某种原因,只需访问此页面:http ://classifieds.your-adrenaline-fix.com/register.php 将生成 2 个自定义错误,您将在注册表上方的红色框中看到,但表单没有甚至还没有提交,所以我不知道为什么会这样。如果有人能对此有所了解,我将不胜感激,并在此先感谢大家!!
if(empty($_POST) === false) {
$VisitorsFirstName = $_POST['First_Name'];
$VisitorsLastName = $_POST['Last_Name'];
$VisitorsEmail = $_POST['E_mail'];
$VisitorsPassword = $_POST['Pass'];
$RequiredFlds = array('First_Name', 'Last_Name', 'E_mail', 'Pass', 'PassAgain');
foreach($_POST as $key=>$value) {
if(empty($value) && in_array($key, $RequiredFlds) === true) {
$Err[] = 'All Fields Are Required';
break 1;
if(empty($Err) === true) {
if(email_exists($VisitorsEmail) === true) {
$Err[] = 'The Email Address \''. $VisitorsEmail. '\' Is Already In Use.';
if(strlen($VisitorsPassword) < 4) {
$Err[] = 'Please Select A Password of At Least 4 Characters.';
if($_POST['Pass'] !== $_POST['PassAgain']) {
$Err[] = 'Passwords Do Not Match.';
if(filter_var($VisitorsEmail, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) === false) {
$Err[] = 'A Valid Email Address is Required';
if(isset($_GET['success']) && empty($_GET['success'])) {
echo 'You Have Now Been Registered and Can Proceed to <a href="add.php">Creating Your First Ad</a><br>(Use the Email and Password That You Registered With to Login)';
} else {
if(empty($_POST) === false && empty($Err) === true) {
$register_data = array (
'VisitorsFirstName' => $_POST['First_Name'],
'VisitorsLastName' => $_POST['Last_Name'],
'VisitorsPassword' => $_POST['Pass'],
'VisitorsEmail' => $_POST['E_mail'],
'Notify' => $_POST['Notify']
header('Location: register.php?success');
} else if(empty($Err) === false) {
echo output_error($Err);