I'm trying to write an element handling function in Prolog. It's almost the same as the prolog predicate member/2 but it must do the job in a different way. For being specific; I must say the member/2 predicate function is this:
member(X, [X|_]).
member(X, [_|Tail]) :-
When you give a query for example: member(X, [1,2,3])
It gives you X = 1; X = 2; X = 3;
in this order for all redo's. I want an element function almost the same. I want the same result with the member function when I give a query like this:
element(X, (1,2,3)).
The difference is just parenthesis instead of bracekts like these : []
In order to do this I tried that:
element(X, (X,_)).
element(X, (_,Tail)) :-
Which is exactly the same as member/2 predicate function implementation. But this doesn't work because it doesn't giving the last element which is X=3.
So I added one more fact that is:
element(X, X).
But this doesn't work either because (obviously) it is giving unnecessary answer with real elements like these:
How can I handle this?