I have a repeater inside a repeater (that is nested repeater) and applied foo table on it. problem is , when foo table is applied on the repeater (that is , when it is in tablet or cell phone format) a comma is added in textbox. eg: if I enter "empty" in textbox it shows as ",empty" . if i remove ",empty" and add "empty1" then it will show ",empty1,emtpy" in textbox. when i open the page in desktop or laptop view no commas are inserted , even if they are inserted in tablet and cell phone view on resizing them to desktop commas disappear. It is because of footable . tried a lot but didnot find the solution. Any idea?
505 次
1 回答
万一有人在这里搜索类似的问题是我在footable项目上打开的票的链接。Bradvin 修复了这个问题,我认为它不应该在新版本的 footable 中产生问题。
于 2013-10-14T09:58:17.757 回答