rdays heat[J] ds.jdate ds.hh ds.dow ds.tod ds.diy ds.wiy
0 1000 12965 2 6 2 182 26
0.0416 1150 12965 3 6 2 182 26
rdays: 'Running days', No. of days from the start of the data set
(obs 1 = 0, obs 2 = 1/24, ...)
Information on time:
jdate: Julian date (No. of days since 1Jan1960)
hh: Time of day (0,...,23)
dow: Day of week (1=monday, ... , 7=sunday)
tod: Type of day (1=Working day, 2=Half-Holy (incl. Saturday),
3=Holy (incl. Sunday))
diy: Day in year
wiy: Week in year
开始时间为 01Jul1995 02:00,结束时间为 30Jun1996 23:00