我的网站在 Asp.Net C# 中。

我正在为我的网站使用贝宝。我有多种产品,如标志设计、宣传册设计等。我为每项服务使用不同的 BuyNow 按钮。

成功付款后,我将用户发送回我的 continue.aspx 页面。

但是我只是对我们能够将 OrderId 接收到我的 continue.aspx 页面的一件事感到困惑吗?我必须在 continue.aspx 页面上获取该特定订单的详细信息,以添加更多设计描述,如公司名称、要求等。

成功付款后,有什么方法可以在 continue.aspx 上接收我的 orderId 作为查询字符串?


1 回答 1


Are you using Website Payments Standard or Express Checkout? It sounds like you are using Express Checkout, but if your using standard you may want to switch over to Express Checkout as you will have more control over the checkout flow. With Express Checkout when the buyer is sent back to your site after they have agreed to the payment your site will perform a GetExpressCheckoutDetails API call. You will get the buyers information with this API call. From there you can then present the buyer with the additional options and etc before performing the DoExpressCheckoutPayment API call which is the API call that actually charges the buyer.

于 2013-04-22T13:45:12.190 回答