我目前正在使用 Phonegap 实现一个网络智能手机应用程序。在这个应用程序上,用户可以在 Facebook 上发布他们用手机摄像头拍摄的图像。此功能仅使用 javascript 通过发送 base 64 编码图像成功实现。现在,我想使用 Twitter 实现相同的功能。

我发现了一些非常有趣的博客文章,并且我已经能够仅使用 javascript 更新用户状态......但我也不能使用 update_with_media Twitter 网络服务发布图像。

根据这篇文章,有人说如果不使用服务器端代码(例如 php 脚本)就不可能实现此操作。

所以我的问题是:是否可以仅通过 javascript 使用 update_with_media Twitter 网络服务?

我向您发送我的代码以了解当前解决方案的概述。我将这篇文章作为工作基础: http: //oodlestechnologies.com/blogs/Twitter-integration-on-PhoneGap-using-ChildBrowser-and-OAuth-for-iOS-and-Android-Platforms

这是我的 HTML 代码。

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery/jquery.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="../cordova-2.5.0.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/childBrowser/childbrowser.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/helpers/jsOAuth-1.3.6.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/helpers/twitter.js"></script>
        <h4>Oodles Twitter App</h4>
        <table border="1">
                <th>Login using Twitter</th>
                    <button id="loginBtn" onclick="Twitter.init();">Login</button>
                    <button id="logoutBtn" onclick="logOut();">Logout</button>
            <tr id="tweetText">
                <td colspan="2"><textarea id="tweet"></textarea></td>
            <tr id="tweetBtn">
                <td colspan="2" align="right">
                    <button id="tweeter" onclick="Twitter.tweet();">Tweet</button>
            <tr><td colspan="2"><div id="welcome">Please Login to use this app</div></td></tr>
        <button onclick="javascript:location.reload();">Recharger la page</button>

这是我的 twitter.js 代码:(重点在 post 方法中)

$(document).ready(function() {
    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);

function onDeviceReady() {
    var root = this;
    cb = window.plugins.childBrowser;
    if (!localStorage.getItem(twitterKey)) {
    else {

    if (cb != null) {
        cb.onLocationChange = function(loc) {
        cb.onClose = function() {
        cb.onOpenExternal = function() {

function onCloseBrowser() {

function locChanged(loc) {

function onOpenExternal() {

// Consumer key : ...
// Consumer secret : ...

var oauth; // It Holds the oAuth data request
var requestParams; // Specific param related to request
var options = {consumerKey: '...', consumerSecret: '...', callbackUrl: "http://www.google.fr"};
var twitterKey = "twtrKey"; // This key is used for storing Information related   
var Twitter = {
    init: function() {
        // Apps storedAccessData , Apps Data in Raw format
        var storedAccessData, rawData = localStorage.getItem(twitterKey);
        // here we are going to check whether the data about user is already with us.
        if (localStorage.getItem(twitterKey) !== null) {
            // when App already knows data
            storedAccessData = JSON.parse(rawData); //JSON parsing
            //options.accessTokenKey = storedAccessData.accessTokenKey; // data will be saved when user first time signin
            options.accessTokenSecret = storedAccessData.accessTokenSecret; // data will be saved when user first first signin

            // javascript OAuth take care of everything for app we need to provide just the options
            oauth = OAuth(options);
                    function(data) {
                        var entry = JSON.parse(data.text);
                        console.log("USERNAME: " + entry.screen_name);
        else {
            // we have no data for save user
            oauth = OAuth(options);
                    function(data) {
                        requestParams = data.text;
                        cb.showWebPage('https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize?' + data.text); // This opens the Twitter authorization / sign in page
                        cb.onLocationChange = function(loc) {
                        }; // Here will will track the change in URL of ChildBrowser
                    function(data) {
                        console.log("ERROR: " + JSON.stringify(data));
     When ChildBrowser's URL changes we will track it here.
     We will also be acknowledged was the request is a successful or unsuccessful
    success: function(loc) {

        // Here the URL of supplied callback will Load

         Here Plugin will check whether the callback Url matches with the given Url
        if (loc.indexOf("http://www.google.fr") >= 0) {

            // Parse the returned URL
            var index, verifier = '';
            var params = loc.substr(loc.indexOf('?') + 1);

            params = params.split('&');
            for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
                var y = params[i].split('=');
                if (y[0] === 'oauth_verifier') {
                    verifier = y[1];

            // Here we are going to change token for request with token for access

             Once user has authorised us then we have to change the token for request with token of access
             here we will give data to localStorage.
            oauth.get('https://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token?oauth_verifier=' + verifier + '&' + requestParams,
                    function(data) {
                        var accessParams = {};
                        var qvars_tmp = data.text.split('&');
                        for (var i = 0; i < qvars_tmp.length; i++) {
                            var y = qvars_tmp[i].split('=');
                            accessParams[y[0]] = decodeURIComponent(y[1]);

                        $('#oauthStatus').html('<span style="color:green;">Success!</span>');
                        oauth.setAccessToken([accessParams.oauth_token, accessParams.oauth_token_secret]);

                        // Saving token of access in Local_Storage
                        var accessData = {};
                        accessData.accessTokenKey = accessParams.oauth_token;
                        accessData.accessTokenSecret = accessParams.oauth_token_secret;

                        // Configuring Apps LOCAL_STORAGE
                        console.log("TWITTER: Storing token key/secret in localStorage");
                        localStorage.setItem(twitterKey, JSON.stringify(accessData));

                                function(data) {
                                    var entry = JSON.parse(data.text);
                                    console.log("TWITTER USER: " + entry.screen_name);
                                    document.getElementById("welcome").innerHTML = "welcome " + entry.screen_name;
                                    // Just for eg.
                                function(data) {
                                    console.log("ERROR: " + data);

                        // Now we have to close the child browser because everthing goes on track.

                    function(data) {

        else {
            // Just Empty
    tweet: function() {
        var storedAccessData, rawData = localStorage.getItem(twitterKey);

        storedAccessData = JSON.parse(rawData); // Paring Json 
        options.accessTokenKey = storedAccessData.accessTokenKey; // it will be saved on first signin
        options.accessTokenSecret = storedAccessData.accessTokenSecret; // it will be save on first login

        // javascript OAuth will care of else for app we need to send only the options
        oauth = OAuth(options);
                function(data) {
                    var entry = JSON.parse(data.text);
     We now have the data to tweet
    post: function() {
        alert('Post !');
        var theTweet = $("#tweet").val(); // You can change it with what else you likes.

                    'status': theTweet,
                    'media': //HERE IS THE PROBLEM, WHAT TO DO HERE ?
                }, "multipart/form-data",
                    alert('Data 1 !');
                    console.log('------Data1 : ' + data);
                    var entry = JSON.parse(data.text);
                function(data) {
                    //var json_result = JSON.parse(data);
                    var entry = JSON.stringify(data);
                    console.log('------Data2 : ' + entry);


function done() {
    alert("OKKK !");

function successfulLogin() {


function logOut() {
    document.getElementById("welcome").innerHTML = "Please Login to use this app";



{\"errors\":[{\"message\":\"内部错误\",\"code\":131}]}","xml":"","re​​questHeaders":{"Content-Type ":"multipart/form-data"},"responseHeaders":{"date":"2013 年 4 月 19 日星期五 15:45:28 GMT","content-encoding":"deflate","strict-transport-security ":"max-age=631138519","status":"500 内部服务器错误","server":"tfe","content-type":"application/json; 字符集=utf-8","版本":"HTTP/1.1"}}

一个“解决方案”(通过发送 blob)已发布在 Twitter 开发论坛上,但对我不起作用:dev.twitter.com/discussions/6969

有人想实现相同的功能或有解决方案吗?谢谢 !

------ 编辑:

我只想使用Javascript,不想实现任何服务器端解决方案(没有 PHP、C#、Java ......)。


2 回答 2


根据文档,Twitter 需要multipart/form-dataenctype,这意味着 base64 字符串不起作用。

与 POST 状态/更新不同,此方法需要原始多部分数据。您的 POST 请求的 Content-Type 应使用 media[] 参数设置为 multipart/form-data ~ https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1/post/statuses/update_with_media

但是,您可以托管一个采用 base64 的端点,将其转换为真实文件,然后将请求转发到 Twitter。例如(未经测试):


$base64 = $_POST['image'];
$data = base64_decode( $base64 );

// Make name unique to avoid conflicts.
$temp_file = uniqid() . $_POST['name'];

// Save the file to a temp location.
file_put_contents( $temp_file, $data );

$temp_info = pathinfo( $temp_file );
$temp_type = $temp_info['extension'];
$temp_name = basename( $temp_file, '.' . $temp_type );

// OAuth library recommended by Twitter: https://github.com/themattharris/tmhOAuth
// See original: https://github.com/themattharris/tmhOAuth-examples/blob/master/images.php

require 'tmhOAuth.php';
require 'tmhUtilities.php';

$tmhOAuth = new tmhOAuth( array(
    'consumer_key'    => $_POST['consumer_key'],
    'consumer_secret' => $_POST['consumer_secret'],
    'user_token'      => $_POST['user_token'],
    'user_secret'     => $_POST['user_secret'],

// note the type and filename are set here as well
// Edit: Not sure if the `type` and `filename` params are necessary.
$params = array( 'media[]' => "@{$temp_file};type={$temp_type};filename={$temp_name}" );

$code = $tmhOAuth->request( 'POST', $tmhOAuth->url( '1/status/update_with_media' ),
    true, // use auth
    true  // multipart

// Remove temp file.
unlink( $temp_file );

if ( $code == 200 ) {
    tmhUtilities::pr( json_decode( $tmhOAuth->response['response'] ) );
tmhUtilities::pr( htmlentities( $tmhOAuth->response['response'] ) );



        // You'll want to use https to protect the oauth info.
        url: "https://mysite.com/proxy.php",
        type: "POST",
        data: {
            image: "base64 data...",
            name: "foo.png",
            consumer_key: options.consumerKey,
            consumer_secret: options.consumerSecret,
            user_token: options.accessTokenKey,
            user_secret: options.accessTokenSecret
        success: function( data ) {
            console.log( data );
于 2013-05-03T11:04:50.207 回答

对于任何尝试使用客户端 JS 将图像发布到 Twitter 的人,我可以在最后使用 gary-buynary-co-za (https://github.com/bytespider/jsOAuth/pull/11)的解决方案发布到 Twitter这个论坛的。几乎最终使用 Phonegap FileTransfer 和 FileTransferOptions 对象将图像传输到 twitter api,但使用 jsOAuth 准备 FileTransferOptions 标头和签名。解决方案肯定可以清理。

于 2014-01-29T23:02:55.107 回答