I've started with watir and cucumber a while ago and have been trying to run my project with Jenkins. I have a watir Project (watir,cucumber) in C:\project_name. I have rake file in the project also and when I run it in CMD everything goes ok and tests are succesfully executed --> C:\project_name>rake

Rakefile I'm running looks like this.

require 'rubygems'
require 'cucumber'
require 'cucumber/rake/task'

Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:features) do |t|
     t.profile = 'default'

task :default => :features

I have tried to execute Rake file with Jenkins but unable to make it work. So far what I have done with Jenkins (Running in localhost:8080)

1) Plugins installed eg. cucumber-reports, Jenkins Rake plugin

2) Tried to add New job --> Build a free-style software project

I really don't have idea how to make Rake file to work with Jenkins. I was hoping to get these nice reports (cucumber-reporting) available through Jenkins.

If someone can help me with this it would be more than perfect.


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