namespace LinkedListMagno
class LinkList
LinkList(int theData, LinkList* thePoint) : data(theData), point(thePoint){};
int getData() {return data;}
void setData(int theData) {data = theData;}
LinkList* getLink() {return point;}
void setLink(LinkList* thePoint) {point = thePoint;}
int data;
LinkList* point;
#include "linkedlist.h"
using LinkedListMagno::LinkList;
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
LinkList* getListPtr(int data[], int lenOfData);
//precondition: passed an array of integers and the length of the same array
//postcondition: returns a pointer to a linked list containing the integers from data[] in the given order
int main()
LinkList *head, *point;
int data[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};//these numbers will go into the list in ascending order
int len = 10;
head = getListPtr(data, len);
point = head;
for(int i=0; i<len; i++)//Pretty sure the problem is here. How on earth is it iterating backwards through the list?
cout << point->getData();
point = point->getLink();
return 0;
LinkList* getListPtr(int data[], int lenOfData)
LinkList *head, *newPoint; //two pointers. One for the head, the other to add nodes
for(int i=0; i<lenOfData; i++)
if(i == 0)
head = new LinkList(data[i], NULL);//create new linklist object using the first data point
cout << "New Node: " << data[i] << endl;
newPoint = head;//for the first node, set newPoint equal to the head
else if(i>0 && i<lenOfData)
newPoint->setLink(new LinkList(data[i], newPoint->getLink()));
cout << "New Node: " << data[i] << endl;
//newPoint = newPoint->getLink(); Derp. Forgot to add this line.
//for each item in data[], add a new node and move newPoint* to the new location
return head;
New Node: 0
New Node: 1
New Node: 2
New Node: 3
New Node: 4
New Node: 5
New Node: 6
New Node: 7
New Node: 8
New Node: 9
0123456789Press any key to continue . . .
New Node: 0
New Node: 1
New Node: 2
New Node: 3
New Node: 4
New Node: 5
New Node: 6
New Node: 7
New Node: 8
New Node: 9
0987654321Press any key to continue . . . (WTF?)