运行 COM(自制)计时器时,我在 Excel 中遇到错误。基本上Excel实例化定时器,初始化它并启动它。然后计时器每 X 毫秒计时一次,引发 Excel 捕获的事件(非常标准的东西)。我没有将 Excel 本身用作计时器,因为它的滴答速度不会比每秒快(这对我来说太长了)

我的问题是,如果我在计时器引发事件时单击并按住电子表格,Excel 会严重崩溃。不幸的是,用户需要(有时)在电子表格中单击并在计时器运行时对其进行修改。

我在某个地方看到我可以在我的计时器中使用 IMessageFilter 接口。这应该确保如果在事件触发时 Excel 很忙,则计时器可以看到这一点并采取相应的行动。但是我无法正确实施它。



在 Excel 中,我有一个带有 WithEvents ExcelTimer.ExcelTimer 对象的单例,这是我的单例的代码:

Option Explicit
Private Const m_sMODULE_NAME = "cTimerManager"

Public WithEvents oCsharpTimer As ExcelTimer.ExcelTimer

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Set oCsharpTimer = New ExcelTimer.ExcelTimer

    'The following two lines are called dynamically from somewhere else 
    'normally but for simplicity of my post I have put them here
    oCsharpTimer.Initialize 500  
End Sub

Private Sub oCsharpTimer_TimeTickEvt(ByVal o As Variant, ByVal Time As String)
    Const sPROCEDURE_NAME = "oCsharpTimer_TimeTickEvt"
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

    '"Send" confirmation with time to the COM object.
    oCsharpTimer.TimeReceived Time

    'Do whatever I wanna do when the event is trigger

    Exit Sub

    'My Error handling structure
    If ProcessError(m_sMODULE_NAME, sPROCEDURE_NAME, Err) Then
        Resume Next
    End If
End Sub

这是我的 COM 对象的代码:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace ExcelTimer
    public delegate void EventTimeRaiser(object o, string Time);

    //COM Interface
    public interface ICOMExcelTimer
        void StartTimer();
        void StopTimer();
        void Initialize(int TimeInMilliseconds);
        void TimeReceived(string ReceivedTime);

    //Event interface 
    public interface ICOMExcelTimerEvent
        void TimeTickEvt(object o, string Time);

    public class ExcelTimer : ICOMExcelTimer, IMessageFilter
        private event EventTimeRaiser TimeTickEvt;
        private bool _started;
        private bool _initialised;
        private int _timeInMilliseconds;
        private string _lastTimeReceived;
        private Control _control;
        private Thread _timerThread;
        private IAsyncResult _AsynchronousResult;

        public void Initialize(int TimeInMilliSeconds)
            //To be called by Excel to set which timer parameters it wants
            _timeInMilliseconds = TimeInMilliSeconds;
            _initialised = true;

            //Make sure we clear the last confirmation received 
            //since we are re-initialising the object
            _lastTimeReceived = ""; 

        public void TimeReceived(string ReceivedTime)
            //Store the last time received. Excel calls this function
            _lastTimeReceived = ReceivedTime;

        public ExcelTimer()
            _lastTimeReceived = "";

        //Start the Timer
        public void StartTimer()
            //If the timer has not been initialised just yet
            if (!_initialised)
                //Sends back an error message to Excel
                TimeTickEvt(this, "Error: Timer Not Initialised");

                //Start the timer
                _timerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(TimeTicking));

                //Start the Thread
                _started = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                System.IO.File.AppendAllText(@"C:\ErrorLog.txt", ex.Message + " - StartTimer - " + DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss.f") + "\n");

        //Stop the timer
        public void StopTimer()
            //Stop the Thread
            //Change the status
            _started = false;

        private void TimeTicking()
            string SentTime;

            //As long as the timer is running
            while (_started)
                    //Pause the timer for the right number of milliseconds


                    SentTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss.ffff");

                    //########### The CODE Errors Here when Excel is busy!  ###########
                    //Raise an event for Excel to grab with the time that the thread finished the sleep at.

                    //_lastTimeReceived is used so that if the link between Excel and the Thread is broken the thread stops after sometimes
                    //if no confirmation was received from Excel.

                    //If no last time was received just yet, we setup the last time received to the sent time
                    if (_lastTimeReceived.Equals(""))
                        _lastTimeReceived = SentTime;
                    //If the last time received is older than 10 x TimeInMilliseconds (in Seconds) we stop the timer.
                    else if (Convert.ToDateTime(_lastTimeReceived).AddSeconds(_timeInMilliseconds * 10 / 1000) < Convert.ToDateTime(SentTime))
                        OnTimeTick("Timer timed out. No Confirmation for more than " + _timeInMilliseconds * 10 / 1000 + " second(s).");

                        //Stop the timer because the thread has not received a last time recently
                        _started = false;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    System.IO.File.AppendAllText(@"C:\ErrorLog.txt", ex.Message + " - TimeTicking - " + DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss.f") + "\n");


        protected virtual void OnTimeTick(string Time)
                if (Time != null)
                    //Raise the event
                    TimeTickEvt(this, Time);                    
            catch (Exception ex)
                System.IO.File.AppendAllText(@"C:\ErrorLog.txt", ex.Message + " - OnTimeTick - " + DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss.f") + "\n");

1 回答 1


I can't help you with the C# coding, but if you would prefer to use Excel and a timer with more precision than 1 second, this can be done in VBA:

Public Declare Function timeBeginPeriod Lib "winmm.dll" (ByVal uPeriod As Long) As Long

Public Declare Function timeGetTime Lib "winmm.dll" () As Long

You can then use the timeGetTime function from your subroutine to return the time in millisecond accuracy, if desired.

Credit where it's due:


于 2013-04-22T01:36:28.497 回答